Wen-Chen Chen
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Cited by
Liquid crystal tunable metamaterial absorber
D Shrekenhamer, WC Chen, WJ Padilla
Physical review letters 110 (17), 177403, 2013
Extremely subwavelength planar magnetic metamaterials
WC Chen, CM Bingham, KM Mak, NW Caira, WJ Padilla
Physical Review B 85 (20), 201104, 2012
Metamaterial Devices with Environmentally Responsive Materials
WJ Padilla, S Savo, CM Bingham, D Shrekenhamer, W Chen
US Patent App. 13/902,423, 2013
Controlling gigahertz and terahertz surface electromagnetic waves with metamaterial resonators
WC Chen, JJ Mock, DR Smith, T Akalin, WJ Padilla
Physical Review X 1 (2), 021016, 2011
Role of surface electromagnetic waves in metamaterial absorbers
WC Chen, A Cardin, M Koirala, X Liu, T Tyler, KG West, CM Bingham, ...
Optics express 24 (6), 6783-6792, 2016
Single-layer terahertz metamaterials with bulk optical constants
WC Chen, A Totachawattana, K Fan, JL Ponsetto, AC Strikwerda, ...
Physical Review B 85 (3), 035112, 2012
A Subwavelength Extraordinary‐Optical‐Transmission Channel in Babinet Metamaterials
WC Chen, NI Landy, K Kempa, WJ Padilla
Advanced Optical Materials 1 (3), 221-226, 2013
Magnetic levitation of metamaterial bodies enhanced with magnetostatic surface resonances
Y Urzhumov, W Chen, C Bingham, W Padilla, DR Smith
Physical Review B 85 (5), 054430, 2012
Post-processing approach for tuning multi-layered metamaterials
L Liu, W Chen, DA Powell, WJ Padilla, F Karouta, HT Hattori, DN Neshev, ...
Applied Physics Letters 105 (15), 151102, 2014
Strong broadband terahertz optical activity through control of the blaschke phase with chiral metasurfaces
MA Cole, W Chen, M Liu, SS Kruk, WJ Padilla, IV Shadrivov, DA Powell
Physical Review Applied 8 (1), 014019, 2017
Percolation and polaritonic effects in periodic planar nanostructures evolving from holes to islands
Y Peng, T Paudel, WC Chen, WJ Padilla, ZF Ren, K Kempa
Applied Physics Letters 97 (4), 041901, 2010
Optical Transmission: A Subwavelength Extraordinary‐Optical‐Transmission Channel in Babinet Metamaterials (Advanced Optical Materials 3/2013)
WC Chen, NI Landy, K Kempa, WJ Padilla
Advanced Optical Materials 1 (3), 195-195, 2013
Mechanically tunable bi-layer terahertz metamaterials
L Liu, W Chen, DA Powell, WJ Padilla, F Karouta, HT Hattori, DN Neshev, ...
2015 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2, 2015
Metamaterials, Surface Waves, and Their Applications
W Chen
Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, 2014
Characterization of Surface Electromagnetic Waves and Scattering on Infrared Metamaterial Absorbers
WC Chen, M Koirala, X Liu, T Tyler, KG West, CM Bingham, T Starr, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1212.2868, 2012
Terahertz chiral structures with large optical activity
M Cole, WC Chen, WJ Padilla, S Kruk, DA Powell, I Shadrivov
SPIE, 2017
Terahertz chiral structures with large optical activity (Conference Presentation)
MA Cole, W Chen, WJ Padilla, SS Kruk, DA Powell, IV Shadrivov
Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and …, 2017
Metamaterial-Based Devices
IV Shadrivov, WJ Padilla, W Chen, DA Powell, M Liu, L Faraone, ...
IP Australia, 2015
Controlling terahertz surface electromagnetic waves with metamaterial resonators and transistors
WC Chen, JJ Mock, DR Smith, T Akalin, WJ Padilla
International Workshop on Terahertz Science and Technology, OTST 2013, 2013
THz Metamaterials and Plasmonics
W Padilla, W Chen, T Akalin
META'12, 2011
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Articles 1–20