Agostino De Marco
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Cited by
Experimental and numerical hydrodynamic analysis of a stepped planing hull
A De Marco, S Mancini, S Miranda, R Scognamiglio, L Vitiello
Applied Ocean Research 64, 135-154, 2017
A general solution to the aircraft trim problem
A De Marco, E Duke, J Berndt
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference and Exhibit, 6703, 2007
Flettner rotor concept for marine applications: A systematic study
A De Marco, S Mancini, C Pensa, G Calise, F De Luca
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 2016, 2016
Dynamic behaviour of the patented kobold tidal current turbine: numerical and experimental aspects
DP Coiro, A De Marco, F Nicolosi, S Melone, F Montella
Acta Polytechnica 45 (3), 2005
Aircraft directional stability and vertical tail design: A review of semi-empirical methods
D Ciliberti, P Della Vecchia, F Nicolosi, A De Marco
Progress in Aerospace Sciences 95, 140-172, 2017
Development of a Java-based framework for aircraft preliminary design and optimization
F Nicolosi, A De Marco, L Attanasio, PD Vecchia
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 13 (6), 234-242, 2016
Numerical analysis of propeller effects on wing aerodynamic: tip mounted and distributed propulsion
P Della Vecchia, D Malgieri, F Nicolosi, A De Marco
Transportation research procedia 29, 106-115, 2018
A numerical study on a vertical-axis wind turbine with inclined arms
A De Marco, DP Coiro, D Cucco, F Nicolosi
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering 2014, 2014
Stability, flying qualities and longitudinal parameter estimation of a twin-engine CS-23 certified light aircraft
F Nicolosi, A De Marco, P Della Vecchia
Aerospace Science and Technology 24 (1), 226-240, 2013
Development, deployment and experimental test on the novel tethered system GEM for tidal current energy exploitation
DP Coiro, G Troise, F Scherillo, A De Marco, G Calise, N Bizzarrini
Renewable energy 114, 323-336, 2017
Dynamic behavior of novel vertical axis tidal current turbine: Numerical and experimental investigations
DP Coiro, F Nicolosi, A De Marco, S Melone, F Montella
The Fifteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2005
Automatic modeling of aircraft external geometries for preliminary design workflows
A De Marco, M Di Stasio, P Della Vecchia, V Trifari, F Nicolosi
Aerospace Science and Technology 98, 105667, 2020
Progress on and usage of the open source flight dynamics model software library, JSBSim
J Berndt, A De Marco
AIAA modeling and simulation technologies conference, 5699, 2009
A 6dof flight simulation environment for general aviation aircraft with control loading reproduction
D Coiro, A De Marco, F Nicolosi
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference and Exhibit, 6364, 2007
Enhancing optimization capabilities using the AGILE collaborative MDO framework with application to wing and nacelle design
T Lefebvre, N Bartoli, S Dubreuil, M Panzeri, R Lombardi, P Della Vecchia, ...
Progress in Aerospace Sciences 119, 100649, 2020
Flight tests, performances, and flight certification of a twin-engine light aircraft
F Nicolosi, A De Marco, PD Vecchia
Journal of Aircraft 48 (1), 177-192, 2011
Roll performance assessment of a light aircraft: Flight simulations and flight tests
F Nicolosi, A De Marco, V Sabetta, P Della Vecchia
Aerospace Science and Technology 76, 471-483, 2018
Java framework for parametric aircraft design–ground performance
V Trifari, M Ruocco, V Cusati, F Nicolosi, A De Marco
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 2017
Game theory and evolutionary algorithms applied to MDO in the AGILE European project
P Della Vecchia, L Stingo, S Corcione, D Ciliberti, F Nicolosi, A De Marco, ...
18th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 4330, 2017
A Simulation-Based Performance Analysis Tool for Aircraft Design Workflows
AD Marco, V Trifari, F Nicolosi, M Ruocco
Aerospace 7 (11), 155, 2020
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Articles 1–20