Saiful Karim
Saiful Karim
Professor, School of Law and Justice, University of Southern Queensland
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Changing ocean, marine ecosystems, and dependent communities
NL Bindoff, WWL Cheung, JG Kairo, J Arístegui, VA Guinder, R Hallberg, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2019
Transformative governance of biodiversity: insights for sustainable development
IJ Visseren-Hamakers, J Razzaque, P McElwee, E Turnhout, E Kelemen, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 53, 20-28, 2021
Prevention of pollution of the marine environment from vessels
MS Karim
The Potential and Limits of the International Maritime Organisation 44, 2015
Maritime autonomous vehicles: New frontiers in the law of the sea
N Klein, D Guilfoyle, MS Karim, R McLaughlin
International & Comparative Law Quarterly 69 (3), 719-734, 2020
Implementation of the MARPOL convention in developing countries
MS Karim
Nordic Journal of International Law 79 (2), 303-337, 2010
Implementation of the MARPOL Convention in Bangladesh
S Karim
Macquarie J. Int'l & Comp. Envtl. L. 6, 51, 2009
Environmental pollution from the shipbreaking industry: international law and national legal response
S Karim
Geo. Int'l Envtl. L. Rev. 22, 185, 2009
Maritime cybersecurity and the IMO legal instruments: Sluggish response to an escalating threat?
MS Karim
Marine Policy 143, 105138, 2022
Ecosystem-based fisheries management and the precautionary approach in the Indian Ocean regional fisheries management organisations
MS Karim, E Techera, A Al Arif
Marine Pollution Bulletin 159, 111438, 2020
Prosecution of Maritime Pirates: The National Court is Dead-Long Live the National Court
MD Karim
Wis. Int'l LJ 32, 37, 2014
Shipbreaking in developing countries: a requiem for environmental justice from the perspective of Bangladesh
MS Karim
Routledge, 2017
Shifting traction: Differential treatment and substantive and procedural regard in the international climate change regime
A Huggins, MS Karim
Transnational Environmental Law 5 (2), 427-448, 2016
Violation of labour rights in the ship-breaking yards of Bangladesh: legal norms and reality
MS Karim
International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 25 (4), 2009
Measuring, monitoring, reporting and verification of shipping emissions: Evaluating transparency and answerability
F Deane, A Huggins, MS Karim
Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law 28 (3 …, 2019
Options for decision makers
J Razzaque, I Visseren-Hamakers, AP Gautam, L Gerber, M Islar, ...
Global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the …, 2019
Future of the Haze Agreement-Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?
MS Karim
Envtl. Pol'y & L. 38, 328, 2008
International law and south-south cooperation for innovation and transfer of green technologies
M Uddin, S Karim
Geo. Wash. Int'l L. Rev. 52, 355, 2020
Swatch-of-no-ground marine protected area for sharks, dolphins, porpoises and whales: Legal and institutional challenges
MS Karim, MM Uddin
Marine pollution bulletin 139, 275-281, 2019
International marine environmental law and policy
D Hassan, S Karim
Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2019
Legal activism for ensuring environmental justice
S Karim, OB Vincents, MM Rahim
Asian Journal of Comparative Law 7, 1-44, 2012
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Articles 1–20