Onopchuk Yuri / Онопчук Юрій Миколайович / Onopchuk YM (1939-2015)
Onopchuk Yuri / Онопчук Юрій Миколайович / Onopchuk YM (1939-2015)
Інститут кібернетики ім. В.М. Глушкова НАН України
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Conflicts in modeling of the main respiratory function of the organism and mathematical models of conflict resolution
KB Polinkevich, YN Onopchuk
Kibernetika, 1986
Results of medical and biological research of Ukrainian scientists at Elbrus
PV Beloshitsky, OM Klyuchko, YM Onopchuk
Bulletin of NAU, 10-16, 2007
On the mathematical methods in biology and medicine
OM Klyuchko
Biotechnologia Acta 10 (3), 31-40, 2017
Linear differential games with integral constraints
BN Pshenichnyi, YN Onopchuk
Akademii Nauk SSSR, Tekhnicheskaya Kibernetika 1968 (1), 13-22, 1968
Линейные дифференциальные игры с интегральными ограничениями
БН Пшеничный, ЮН Онопчук
Изв. АН СССР. Сер. техн. кибернетика, 13-22, 1968
Homeostasis of functional respiratory system as result of information interactions: internal system and system-media ones
YN Onopchuk
Bioecomedicine. United information space, 59-81, 2001
Optimal Control of Drug Delivery from Microneedle Systems*
SI Lyashko, DA Klyushin, VV Onotskyi, NI Lyashko
Cybernetics and systems analysis 54 (3), 357-365, 2018
Some trends in mathematical modeling for biotechnology
OM Klyuchko, YM Onopchuk
Biotechnologia Acta 11 (1), 39-57, 2018
Development of mathematical models based on the results of researches of Ukrainian scientists at Elbrus.
YM Onopchuk, PV Biloshitsky, OM Klyuchko
Visnyk NAU, 146155, 2008
Information computer technologies for using in biotechnology: electronic medical information systems
OM Klyuchko
Biotechnologia Acta 11 (3), 5-26, 2018
Вивчення проблем гіпоксії українськими вченими в районі Ельбрусу
ПВ Білошицький, ОМ Ключко, ЮМ Онопчук
Вісник НАУ, 44-50, 2007
Conflicts in the regulation of the main function of the respiratory system of the organism and mathematical models of conflict resolution
KB Polinkevich, YN Onopchuk
Cybernetics 22 (3), 385-390, 1986
Результати дослідження проблем адаптації українськими вченими в Приельбруссі
ПВ Білошицький, ОМ Ключко, ЮM Онопчук
Вісник НАУ, 102-108, 2008
Radiation damage of organism and its correction in conditions of adaptation to highmountain meteorological factors
PV Beloshitsky, OM Klyuchko, M Onopchuk Yu
Bulletin of NAU 1, 224-231, 2010
Mathematical modeling and optimization of intratumor drug transport
DA Klyushin, NI Lyashko, YN Onopchuk
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 43, 886-892, 2007
Mathematic models and integral estimation of organism systems reliability in extreme conditions
YM Onopchuk, NI Aralova, PV Beloshitsky, OM Klyuchko
Electronics and control systems, 109-115, 2015
Methods of the mathematical modeling and control in theoretical studies and solution of applied problems of medicine and physiology
IN Onopchuk, AG Misyura
Sport. Meditsyna, 181-188, 2008
Secondary tissue hypoxia
AZ Kolchinskaya, YN Onopchuk
Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1983
Automated information system for athletes functional diagnostics
AA Aralova, NI Aralova, LA Kovalchuk-Khimyuk, N Onopchuk Yu
Control systems and machines 3, 73-78, 2008
About one general scheme of regulation of external breathing regimes, minute blood volume and tissue blood flow on the oxygen demand
YN Onopchuk
Cybernetics 6 (3), 110-115, 1980
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Articles 1–20