Rupert Croft
Rupert Croft
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Sdss-iii: Massive spectroscopic surveys of the distant universe, the milky way, and extra-solar planetary systems
DJ Eisenstein, DH Weinberg, E Agol, H Aihara, CA Prieto, SF Anderson, ...
The Astronomical Journal 142 (3), 72, 2011
The Baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey of SDSS-III
KS Dawson, DJ Schlegel, CP Ahn, SF Anderson, É Aubourg, S Bailey, ...
The Astronomical Journal 145 (1), 10, 2012
Sloan digital sky survey IV: Mapping the Milky Way, nearby galaxies, and the distant universe
MR Blanton, MA Bershady, B Abolfathi, FD Albareti, CA Prieto, A Almeida, ...
The Astronomical Journal 154 (1), 28, 2017
The eighth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: first data from SDSS-III
H Aihara, CA Prieto, D An, SF Anderson, E Aubourg, E Balbinot, TC Beers, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 193 (2), 29, 2011
The tenth data release of the sloan digital sky survey: First spectroscopic data from the sdss-iii apache point observatory galactic evolution experiment
CP Ahn, R Alexandroff, CA Prieto, F Anders, SF Anderson, T Anderton, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 211 (2), 17, 2014
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar catalog: ninth data release
I Pâris, P Petitjean, É Aubourg, S Bailey, NP Ross, AD Myers, MA Strauss, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 548, A66, 2012
The SDSS-IV extended baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey: overview and early data
KS Dawson, JP Kneib, WJ Percival, S Alam, FD Albareti, SF Anderson, ...
The Astronomical Journal 151 (2), 44, 2016
Cosmological implications of baryon acoustic oscillation measurements
É Aubourg, S Bailey, JE Bautista, F Beutler, V Bhardwaj, D Bizyaev, ...
Physical Review D 92 (12), 123516, 2015
The eleventh and twelfth data releases of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: final data from SDSS-III
S Alam, FD Albareti, CA Prieto, F Anders, SF Anderson, T Anderton, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 219 (1), 12, 2015
The 13th data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First spectroscopic data from the SDSS-IV survey mapping nearby galaxies at Apache Point Observatory
FD Albareti, CA Prieto, A Almeida, F Anders, S Anderson, BH Andrews, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 233 (2), 25, 2017
Toward a precise measurement of matter clustering: Lyα forest data at redshifts 2-4
RAC Croft, DH Weinberg, M Bolte, S Burles, L Hernquist, N Katz, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 581 (1), 20, 2002
Recovery of the power spectrum of mass fluctuations from observations of the Lyα forest
RAC Croft, DH Weinberg, N Katz, L Hernquist
The Astrophysical Journal 495 (1), 44, 1998
Baryon acoustic oscillations in the Lyα forest of BOSS quasars
T Delubac, J Rich, S Bailey, A Font-Ribera, D Kirkby, JM Le Goff, MM Pieri, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 552, A96, 2013
The MassiveBlack-II simulation: the evolution of haloes and galaxies to z ∼ 0
N Khandai, T Di Matteo, R Croft, S Wilkins, Y Feng, E Tucker, C DeGraf, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 450 (2), 1349-1374, 2015
The ninth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: first spectroscopic data from the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey
CP Ahn, R Alexandroff, CA Prieto, SF Anderson, T Anderton, BH Andrews, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 203 (2), 21, 2012
Measurement of baryon acoustic oscillations in the Lyman-α forest fluctuations in BOSS data release 9
A Slosar, V Iršič, D Kirkby, S Bailey, T Delubac, J Rich, É Aubourg, ...
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2013 (04), 026, 2013
Cold flows and the first quasars
T Di Matteo, N Khandai, C DeGraf, Y Feng, RAC Croft, J Lopez, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 745 (2), L29, 2012
The Power spectrum of mass fluctuations measured from the Lyα forest at redshift z= 2.5
RAC Croft, DH Weinberg, M Pettini, L Hernquist, N Katz
The Astrophysical Journal 520 (1), 1, 1999
Weak-Lensing Surveys and the Intrinsic Correlation ofGalaxy Ellipticities
RAC Croft, CA Metzler
The Astrophysical Journal 545 (2), 561, 2000
The angular momentum of gas in protogalaxies. I. Implications for the formation of disk galaxies
FC van den Bosch, T Abel, RAC Croft, L Hernquist, SDM White
The Astrophysical Journal 576 (1), 21, 2002
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Articles 1–20