Claudio Torres
Claudio Torres
Professor of Cross-cultural Psychology, University of Brasilia - Brazil
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Regressão múltipla stepwise e hierárquica em Psicologia Organizacional: aplicações, problemas e soluções
G Abbad, CV Torres
Estudos de Psicologia (Natal) 7, 19-29, 2002
Felicidade no trabalho: relações com suporte organizacional e suporte social
T Paschoal, CV Torres, JB Porto
Revista de administração contemporânea 14, 1054-1072, 2010
Desired emotions across cultures: A value-based account.
M Tamir, SH Schwartz, J Cieciuch, M Riediger, C Torres, C Scollon, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 111 (1), 67, 2016
Feasibility of ethanol production from coffee husks
BM Gouvea, C Torres, AS Franca, LS Oliveira, ES Oliveira
Biotechnology letters 31 (9), 1315-1319, 2009
Basic personal values underlie and give coherence to political values: A cross national study in 15 countries
SH Schwartz, GV Caprara, M Vecchione, P Bain, G Bianchi, MG Caprara, ...
Political Behavior 36, 899-930, 2014
How Distinctive Are Indigenous Ways of Achieving Influence? A Comparative Study of Guanxi, Wasta, Jeitinho, and “Pulling Strings”
PB Smith, HJ Huang, C Harb, C Torres
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 43 (1), 135-150, 2012
Personal values and political activism: A cross‐national study
M Vecchione, SH Schwartz, GV Caprara, H Schoen, J Cieciuch, ...
British journal of psychology 106 (1), 84-106, 2015
Value tradeoffs propel and inhibit behavior: Validating the 19 refined values in four countries
SH Schwartz, J Cieciuch, M Vecchione, C Torres, O Dirilen‐Gumus, ...
European Journal of Social Psychology 47 (3), 241-258, 2017
Are indigenous approaches to achieving influence in business organizations distinctive? A comparative study of guanxi, wasta, jeitinho, svyazi and pulling strings
PB Smith, C Torres, CH Leong, P Budhwar, M Achoui, N Lebedeva
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 23 (2), 333-348, 2012
Integrative and suppressive emotion regulation differentially predict well-being through basic need satisfaction and frustration: A test of three countries
M Benita, M Benish-Weisman, L Matos, C Torres
Motivation and emotion 44, 67-81, 2020
Be careful where you smile: Culture shapes judgments of intelligence and honesty of smiling individuals
K Krys, C -Melanie Vauclair, CA Capaldi, VMC Lun, MH Bond, ...
Journal of nonverbal behavior 40, 101-116, 2016
Basic values, ideological self-placement, and voting: A cross-cultural study
GV Caprara, M Vecchione, SH Schwartz, H Schoen, PG Bain, J Silvester, ...
Cross-Cultural Research 51 (4), 388-411, 2017
Atitudes e mudanças de atitudes
ER Neiva, TG Mauro
Artmed, 2011
A Teoria de Valores Refinada: associações com comportamento e evidências de validade discriminante e preditiva
CV Torres, SH Schwartz, TG Nascimento
Psicologia Usp 27, 341-356, 2016
Psicologia social: principais temas e vertentes
CV Torres, ER Neiva
Artmed Editora, 2022
Psychometric properties and correlates of precarious manhood beliefs in 62 nations
JK Bosson, P Jurek, JA Vandello, N Kosakowska-Berezecka, M Olech, ...
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 52 (3), 231-258, 2021
Family and socialization factors in Brazil: An overview
MA Dessen, CV Torres
Online readings in psychology and culture 6 (3), 2, 2019
Medindo a imagem do destino turístico: uma pesquisa baseada na teoria de resposta ao item
AR Pérez-Nebra, CV Torres
Revista de Administração Contemporânea 14, 80-99, 2010
The impact of culture, evaluation of store image and satisfaction on purchase intention at supermarkets
EAM Watanabe, CV Torres, S Alfinito
Revista de Gestão 26 (3), 256-273, 2019
Diversidade cultural no contexto organizacional
CV Torres, AR Pérez-Nebra
Psicologia, Organizações e Trabalho no Brasil. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 443-463, 2004
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Articles 1–20