Neville McNeill
Neville McNeill
Senior Research Fellow in Power Electronics, University of Strathclyde
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An experimental investigation of the tradeoff between switching losses and EMI generation with hard-switched all-Si, Si-SiC, and all-SiC device combinations
N Oswald, P Anthony, N McNeill, BH Stark
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 29 (5), 2393-2407, 2013
A 6.7-GHz active gate driver for GaN FETs to combat overshoot, ringing, and EMI
HCP Dymond, J Wang, D Liu, JJO Dalton, N McNeill, D Pamunuwa, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (1), 581-594, 2017
Investigation of proximity losses in a high speed brushless permanent magnet motor
PH Mellor, R Wrobel, N McNeill
Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE Industry Applications Conference Forty …, 2006
High-speed resonant gate driver with controlled peak gate voltage for silicon carbide MOSFETs
P Anthony, N McNeill, D Holliday
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 50 (1), 573-583, 2013
High-frequency EMI attenuation at source with the auxiliary commutated pole inverter
A Charalambous, X Yuan, N McNeill
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (7), 5660-5676, 2017
Thermal performance of an open-slot modular-wound machine with external rotor
R Wrobel, PH Mellor, N McNeill, DA Staton
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 25 (2), 403-411, 2010
Design of 370-ps delay floating-voltage level shifters with 30-V/ns power supply slew tolerance
D Liu, SJ Hollis, HCP Dymond, N McNeill, BH Stark
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 63 (7), 688-692, 2016
Performance analysis and thermal modeling of a high-energy-density prebiased inductor
R Wrobel, N McNeill, PH Mellor
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 57 (1), 201-208, 2009
Active current transformer circuits for low distortion sensing in switched mode power converters
N McNeill, NK Gupta, WG Armstrong
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 19 (4), 908-917, 2004
LV converters: Improving efficiency and EMI using Si MOSFET MMC and experimentally exploring slowed switching
NM Roscoe, D Holliday, N McNeill, SJ Finney
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 6 (4 …, 2018
Assessment of off-state negative gate voltage requirements for IGBTs
N McNeill, K Sheng, BW Williams, SJ Finney
IEEE transactions on power electronics 13 (3), 436-440, 1998
Full custom design of an arbitrary waveform gate driver with 10-GHz waypoint rates for GaN FETs
D Liu, HCP Dymond, SJ Hollis, J Wang, N McNeill, D Pamunuwa, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 36 (7), 8267-8279, 2020
A first approach to a design method for resonant gate driver architectures
P Anthony, N McNeill, D Holliday
IEEE transactions on power electronics 27 (8), 3855-3868, 2012
Study of power devices for use in phase-leg at cryogenic temperature
A Elwakeel, Z Feng, N McNeill, M Zhang, B Williams, W Yuan
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 31 (5), 1-5, 2021
Transient test and AC loss study of a cryogenic propulsion unit for all electric aircraft
F Weng, M Zhang, A Elwakeel, T Lan, N McNeill, W Yuan
IEEE Access 9, 59628-59636, 2021
Shaping switching waveforms in a 650 V GaN FET bridge-leg using 6.7 GHz active gate drivers
JJO Dalton, J Wang, HCP Dymond, D Liu, D Pamunuwa, BH Stark, ...
2017 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 1983-1989, 2017
Reduction of oscillations in a GaN bridge leg using active gate driving with sub-ns resolution, arbitrary gate-resistance patterns
HCP Dymond, D Liu, J Wang, JJO Dalton, N McNeill, D Pamunuwa, ...
2016 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 1-6, 2016
High-efficiency NPC multilevel converter using super-junction MOSFETs
N McNeill, X Yuan, P Anthony
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (1), 25-37, 2015
High-fidelity low-cost electronic current sensor for utility power metering
N McNeill, H Dymond, PH Mellor
IEEE transactions on power delivery 26 (4), 2309-2317, 2011
Design of a high-temperature pre-biased line choke for power electronics applications
R Wrobel, N McNeill, PH Mellor
2008 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 3171-3177, 2008
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Articles 1–20