Jason A. Colquitt
Jason A. Colquitt
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Cited by
Justice at the millennium: a meta-analytic review of 25 years of organizational justice research.
JA Colquitt, DE Conlon, MJ Wesson, COLH Porter, KY Ng
Journal of applied psychology 86 (3), 425, 2001
On the dimensionality of organizational justice: a construct validation of a measure.
JA Colquitt
Journal of applied psychology 86 (3), 386, 2001
Organizational behavior: Improving performance and commitment
JA Colquitt, JA Lepine, MJ Wesson
Organizational Behaviour. McGraw-Hill Education. www. mhhe. con, 2015
Trust, trustworthiness, and trust propensity: a meta-analytic test of their unique relationships with risk taking and job performance.
JA Colquitt, BA Scott, JA LePine
Journal of applied psychology 92 (4), 909, 2007
Toward an integrative theory of training motivation: a meta-analytic path analysis of 20 years of research.
JA Colquitt, JA LePine, RA Noe
Journal of applied psychology 85 (5), 678, 2000
Transformational leadership and job behaviors: The mediating role of core job characteristics
RF Piccolo, JA Colquitt
Academy of Management journal 49 (2), 327-340, 2006
Justice at the millennium, a decade later: a meta-analytic test of social exchange and affect-based perspectives.
JA Colquitt, BA Scott, JB Rodell, DM Long, CP Zapata, DE Conlon, ...
Journal of applied psychology 98 (2), 199, 2013
What is organizational justice? A historical overview
JA Colquitt, J Greenberg, CP Zapata-Phelan
Handbook of organizational justice, 3-56, 2013
Trends in Theory Building and Theory Testing: A Five-Decade Study of the Academy of Management Journal
JA Colquitt, CP Zapata-Phelan
Academy of management journal 50 (6), 1281-1303, 2007
Organizational justice and stress: the mediating role of work-family conflict.
TA Judge, JA Colquitt
Journal of applied psychology 89 (3), 395, 2004
Adaptability to changing task contexts: Effects of general cognitive ability, conscientiousness, and openness to experience
JA LePine, JA Colquitt, A Erez
Personnel psychology 53 (3), 563-593, 2000
Handbook of organizational justice
J Greenberg, JA Colquitt
Psychology Press, 2013
Justice in teams: Antecedents and consequences of procedural justice climate
JA Colquitt, RA Noe, CL Jackson
Personnel psychology 55 (1), 83-109, 2002
Justice, trust, and trustworthiness: A longitudinal analysis integrating three theoretical perspectives
JA Colquitt, JB Rodell
Academy of management journal 54 (6), 1183-1206, 2011
Knowledge worker team effectiveness: The role of autonomy, interdependence, team development, and contextual support variables
BD Janz, JA Colquitt, RA Noe
Personnel psychology 50 (4), 877-904, 1997
Explaining the justice–performance relationship: Trust as exchange deepener or trust as uncertainty reducer?
JA Colquitt, JA LePine, RF Piccolo, CP Zapata, BL Rich
Journal of applied psychology 97 (1), 1, 2012
Conscientiousness, goal orientation, and motivation to learn during the learning process: A longitudinal study.
JA Colquitt, MJ Simmering
Journal of applied psychology 83 (4), 654, 1998
Justice and personality: Using integrative theories to derive moderators of justice effects
JA Colquitt, BA Scott, TA Judge, JC Shaw
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 100 (1), 110-127, 2006
To justify or excuse?: A meta-analytic review of the effects of explanations.
JC Shaw, E Wild, JA Colquitt
Journal of Applied Psychology 88 (3), 444, 2003
How should organizational justice be measured?
JA Colquitt, JC Shaw
Handbook of organizational justice, 113-152, 2013
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Articles 1–20