Francesco Mattei
Francesco Mattei
Post-doctoral fellow, Sorbonne University, Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche (LOV)
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Cited by
A depth-resolved artificial neural network model of marine phytoplankton primary production
F Mattei, S Franceschini, M Scardi
Ecological Modelling 382, 51-62, 2018
Rummaging through the bin: Modelling marine litter distribution using Artificial Neural Networks
S Franceschini, F Mattei, L D'Andrea, A Di Nardi, F Fiorentino, G Garofalo, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 149, 110580, 2019
An ecologically constrained procedure for sensitivity analysis of Artificial Neural Networks and other empirical models
S Franceschini, L Tancioni, M Lorenzoni, F Mattei, M Scardi
PloS one 14 (1), e0211445, 2019
Global assessment of marine phytoplankton primary production: Integrating machine learning and environmental accounting models
F Mattei, E Buonocore, PP Franzese, M Scardi
Ecological Modelling 451, 109578, 2021
Collection and analysis of a global marine phytoplankton primary production dataset
F Mattei, M Scardi
Earth System Science Data / 13 (10), 2021
Embedding ecological knowledge into artificial neural network training: A marine phytoplankton primary production model case study
F Mattei, M Scardi
Ecological Modelling 421, 108985, 2020
Distinguishing the Effects of Water Volumes versus Stocking Densities on the Skeletal Quality during the Pre-Ongrowing Phase of Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata)
Z Dellacqua, C Di Biagio, C Costa, P Pousão-Ferreira, L Ribeiro, ...
Animals 13 (4), 557, 2023
Mining satellite data for extracting chlorophyll a spatio-temporal patterns in the Mediterranean Sea
F Mattei, M Scardi
Environmental Modelling & Software 150, 105353, 2022
Global marine phytoplankton production dataset
F Mattei, M Scardi
(No Title), 2021
Skeletal anomalies in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) larvae reared in different densities and water volumes
Z Dellacqua, C Di Biagio, A Martini, F Mattei, A Rakaj, JC Williams Jr, ...
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 55 (2), e13056, 2024
Chromatic acclimation shapes phytoplankton biogeography
F Mattei, AE Hickman, J Uitz, L Dufour, V Vellucci, L Garczarek, ...
Science Advances 11 (8), eadr9609, 2025
Competition for light color between marine Synechococcus strains with fixed and variable pigmentation
L Dufour, L Garczarek, F Mattei, B Gouriou, J Clairet, M Ratin, DM Kehoe, ...
bioRxiv, 2025.01. 17.633661, 2025
A Machine Learning Approach to Chlorophyll a Time Series Analysis in the Mediterranean Sea
F Mattei, M Scardi
Pattern Recognition. ICPR International Workshops and Challenges: Virtual …, 2021
A constrained depth-resolved artificial neural network model of marine phytoplankton primary production
F Mattei, M Scardi
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 2018
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Articles 1–14