samir pokhrel
samir pokhrel
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Why is Indian Ocean warming consistently?
SA Rao, AR Dhakate, SK Saha, S Mahapatra, HS Chaudhari, S Pokhrel, ...
Climatic change 110, 709-719, 2012
Improved simulation of Indian summer monsoon in latest NCEP climate forecast system free run.
SK Saha, S Pokhrel, HS Chaudhari, A Dhakate, S Shewale, CT Sabeerali, ...
International Journal of Climatology 34 (5), 2014
Monsoon mission: a targeted activity to improve monsoon prediction across scales
SA Rao, BN Goswami, AK Sahai, EN Rajagopal, P Mukhopadhyay, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (12), 2509-2532, 2019
ENSO, IOD and Indian Summer Monsoon in NCEP climate forecast system
S Pokhrel, HS Chaudhari, SK Saha, A Dhakate, RK Yadav, K Salunke, ...
Climate dynamics 39, 2143-2165, 2012
Unusual central Indian drought of summer monsoon 2008: role of southern tropical Indian Ocean warming
SA Rao, HS Chaudhari, S Pokhrel, BN Goswami
Journal of climate 23 (19), 5163-5174, 2010
Unraveling the mystery of Indian summer monsoon prediction: Improved estimate of predictability limit
SK Saha, A Hazra, S Pokhrel, HS Chaudhari, K Sujith, A Rai, H Rahaman, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124 (4), 1962-1974, 2019
Influence of Eurasian snow on Indian summer monsoon in NCEP CFSv2 freerun
SK Saha, S Pokhrel, HS Chaudhari
Climate Dynamics 41, 1801-1815, 2013
Evaporation-precipitation variability over Indian Ocean and its assessment in NCEP Climate Forecast System (CFSv2)
S Pokhrel, H Rahaman, A Parekh, SK Saha, A Dhakate, HS Chaudhari, ...
Climate Dynamics 39 (9), 2585-2608, 2012
Model biases in long coupled runs of NCEP CFS in the context of Indian summer monsoon
HS Chaudhari, S Pokhrel, SK Saha, A Dhakate, RK Yadav, K Salunke, ...
International Journal of Climatology 33 (5), 1057-1069, 2013
Variability of the TRMM-PR total and convective and stratiform rain fractions over the Indian region during the summer monsoon
S Pokhrel, DR Sikka
Climate Dynamics 41, 21-44, 2013
Potential predictability of I ndian summer monsoon rainfall in NCEP CFSv2
SK Saha, S Pokhrel, K Salunke, A Dhakate, HS Chaudhari, H Rahaman, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 8 (1), 96-120, 2016
Assessment of water quality using multivariate statistical techniques in the coastal region of Visakhapatnam, India
S Pati, MK Dash, CK Mukherjee, B Dash, S Pokhrel
Environmental monitoring and assessment 186, 6385-6402, 2014
Seasonal prediction of Indian summer monsoon rainfall in NCEP CFSv2: forecast and predictability error
S Pokhrel, SK Saha, A Dhakate, H Rahman, HS Chaudhari, K Salunke, ...
Climate Dynamics 46, 2305-2326, 2016
Progress towards achieving the challenge of Indian summer monsoon climate simulation in a coupled ocean‐atmosphere model
A Hazra, HS Chaudhari, SK Saha, S Pokhrel, BN Goswami
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 9 (6), 2268-2290, 2017
Modulation of SST, SSS over northern Bay of Bengal on ISO time scale
SA Rao, SK Saha, S Pokhrel, D Sundar, AR Dhakate, S Mahapatra, S Ali, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 116 (C9), 2011
Impact of revised cloud microphysical scheme in CFSv2 on the simulation of the Indian summer monsoon
A Hazra, HS Chaudhari, SA Rao, BN Goswami, A Dhakate, S Pokhrel, ...
International Journal of Climatology 35 (15), 4738-4755, 2015
Dynamical features of incessant heavy rainfall event of June 2013 over Uttarakhand, India
MR Ranalkar, HS Chaudhari, A Hazra, GK Sawaisarje, S Pokhrel
Natural Hazards 80, 1579-1601, 2016
Effect of cloud microphysics on Indian summer monsoon precipitating clouds: A coupled climate modeling study
A Hazra, HS Chaudhari, SK Saha, S Pokhrel
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 122 (7), 3786-3805, 2017
The long-lived monsoon depressions of 2006 and their linkage with the Indian Ocean Dipole
R Krishnan, DC Ayantika, V Kumar, S Pokhrel
International Journal of Climatology 31 (9), 1334-1352, 2011
Evaluation of different heat flux products over the tropical Indian Ocean
S Pokhrel, U Dutta, H Rahaman, H Chaudhari, A Hazra, SK Saha, ...
Earth and Space Science 7 (6), e2019EA000988, 2020
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Articles 1–20