Articles with public access mandates - Giuliano OrsoLearn more
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Bcs–bec crossover and unconventional superfluid order in one dimension
AE Feiguin, F Heidrich-Meisner, G Orso, W Zwerger
The BCS-BEC Crossover and the Unitary Fermi Gas, 503-532, 2012
Mandates: German Research Foundation
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Critical slowing down in driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard lattices
F Vicentini, F Minganti, R Rota, G Orso, C Ciuti
Physical Review A 97 (1), 013853, 2018
Mandates: European Commission
Bose-Hubbard model: Relation between driven-dissipative steady states and equilibrium quantum phases
A Le Boité, G Orso, C Ciuti
Physical Review A 90 (6), 063821, 2014
Mandates: European Commission
Long-Time Behavior of the Momentum Distribution During the Sudden Expansion<? format?> of a Spin-Imbalanced Fermi Gas in One Dimension
CJ Bolech, F Heidrich-Meisner, S Langer, IP McCulloch, G Orso, M Rigol
Physical review letters 109 (11), 110602, 2012
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Anderson localization of ultracold atoms: Where is the mobility edge?
M Pasek, G Orso, D Delande
Physical Review Letters 118 (17), 170403, 2017
Mandates: European Commission
Fully quantum scalable description of driven-dissipative lattice models
P Deuar, A Ferrier, M Matuszewski, G Orso, MH Szymańska
PRX Quantum 2 (1), 010319, 2021
Mandates: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, National Science …
Landau-Zener sweeps and sudden quenches in coupled Bose-Hubbard chains
C Kasztelan, S Trotzky, YA Chen, I Bloch, IP McCulloch, U Schollwöck, ...
Physical Review Letters 106 (15), 155302, 2011
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Lattice modulation spectroscopy of strongly interacting bosons in disordered and quasi-periodic optical lattices
G Orso, A Iucci, MA Cazalilla, T Giamarchi
Physical Review A 80 (3), 033625, 2009
Mandates: Swiss National Science Foundation
Interaction quantum quenches in the one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model with spin imbalance
L Riegger, G Orso, F Heidrich-Meisner
Physical Review A 91 (4), 043623, 2015
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Induced pairing of fermionic impurities in a one-dimensional strongly correlated Bose gas
M Pasek, G Orso
Physical Review B 100 (24), 245419, 2019
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Optimal stochastic unraveling of disordered open quantum systems: Application to driven-dissipative photonic lattices
F Vicentini, F Minganti, A Biella, G Orso, C Ciuti
Physical Review A 99 (3), 032115, 2019
Mandates: European Commission
Pairs, trimers, and BCS-BEC crossover near a flat band: Sawtooth lattice
G Orso, M Singh
Physical Review B 106 (1), 014504, 2022
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Mobility edge of two interacting particles in three-dimensional random potentials
F Stellin, G Orso
Physical Review B 99 (22), 224209, 2019
Mandates: European Commission
Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of two-dimensional repulsive Fermi gases with population imbalance
S Pilati, G Orso, G Bertaina
Physical Review A 103 (6), 063314, 2021
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Government of Italy
Observing the loss and revival of long-range phase coherence through disorder quenches
B Nagler, S Barbosa, J Koch, G Orso, A Widera
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (1), e2111078118, 2022
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Enhanced visibility of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in one-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtures near the immiscibility point
M Singh, G Orso
Physical Review Research 2 (2), 023148, 2020
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Absence of two-body delocalization transitions in the two-dimensional Anderson-Hubbard model
F Stellin, G Orso
Physical Review B 102 (14), 144201, 2020
Mandates: European Commission
Unconventional pairing in few-fermion systems tuned by external confinement
J Dobrzyniecki, G Orso, T Sowiński
Physical Review Research 3 (4), 043105, 2021
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche, National Science Centre, Poland
Two-body mobility edge in the Anderson-Hubbard model in three dimensions: Molecular versus scattering states
F Stellin, G Orso
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 033501, 2020
Mandates: European Commission
Itinerant ferromagnetism in the repulsive Hubbard chain with spin-anisotropic odd-wave attraction
M Singh, S Pilati, G Orso
Physical Review A 102 (5), 053301, 2020
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Government of Italy
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