Benjamin T. Jones
Cited by
Cited by
Republicanism and Responsible Government: The Shaping of Democracy in Australia and Canada
BT Jones
Mcgill-Queen's University Press, 2014
History in a Post-Truth World
M Gudonis, BT Jones
London: Routledge, 2021
If you build it, they may not come: Why Australian university students do not take part in outbound mobility experiences
BT Jones, A Power, T Gray, G Downey, T Hall
Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice 13 (3), 1-17, 2016
Jafari and Transformation: A model to enhance short-term overseas study tours.
T Hall, T Gray, G Downey, C Sheringham, B Jones, A Power, S Truong
Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad 27, 33-46, 2016
When outbound mobility programs and service learning align in pre-service teacher education
A Power, S Truong, T Gray, G Downey, T Hall, B Jones
Asia Pacific Education Review 18, 401-412, 2017
Australian politics explainer: The white Australia policy
BT Jones
The Conversation 10, 2017
Currency culture: Australian identity and nationalism in New South Wales before the gold rushes
BT Jones
Australian Historical Studies 48 (1), 68-85, 2017
Enhancing Programmes Integrating Tertiary Outbound Mobility Experiences (EPITOME) Final Report
T Gray, T Hall, G Downey, B Jones, S Truong, A Power, P Bailey, ...
Canberra, Act: Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching. http …, 2016
Egalitarian nationhoods: a political theory in defence of the voice to parliament in the Uluru Statement from the Heart
H Hobbs, BT Jones
Australian Journal of Political Science 57 (2), 129-144, 2022
“Friendship, but Bloke-ier”: Can Mateship Be Reimagined as an Inclusive Civic Ideal in Australia?
N Carlin, BT Jones, A Laugesen
Journal of Australian Studies 46 (2), 196-210, 2022
This Time: Australia's Republican Past and Future
B Jones
CQUniversity, 2018
Enhancing programmes integrating tertiary outbound mobility experiences (EPITOME)(Final report). Canberra, ACT: Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching
T Gray, T Hall, G Downey, B Jones, S Truong, A Power, C Sheringham
Colonial Republicanism: Re-examining the impact of civic republican ideology in pre-constitution New South Wales
BT Jones
Journal of Australian Colonial History 11, 129-146, 2009
Australia on the World Stage
B Brooklyn, B Jones, R Strating
London: Routledge, 2022
A New Terror to Death: Public Memory and the disappearance of John Dunmore Lang
BT Jones, P Pickering
History Australia 11 (2), 2014
Elections Matter Ten Federal Elections That Shaped Australia
B Jones, F Bongiorno, J Uhr
Monash University Publishing, 2018
Tools of engagement: Using outbound mobility to grow Australia’s Asia literacy
BT Jones
The Globalisation of Higher Education: Developing Internationalised …, 2018
Civic republicanism and Sir Robert Menzies: the non-liberal side of the Liberal leader
A Carr, BT Jones
Journal of Australian studies 37 (4), 485-502, 2013
Project Republic: Plans and Arguments for a New Australia
BTJM McKenna
Black Inc, 2013
Generating and deepening reflection whilst studying abroad: Incorporating photo elicitation in transformative travel
T Gray, G Downey, BT Jones, S Truong, T Hall, A Power
The globalisation of higher education: Developing internationalised …, 2018
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Articles 1–20