Ricardo Martins
Ricardo Martins
Researcher @ RISCO - University of Aveiro
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A methodology for linking 2D overland flow models with the sewer network model SWMM 5.1 based on dynamic link libraries
J Leandro, R Martins
Water Science and Technology 73 (12), 3017-3026, 2016
Experimental calibration and validation of sewer/surface flow exchange equations in steady and unsteady flow conditions
M Rubinato, R Martins, G Kesserwani, J Leandro, S Djordjević, ...
Journal of Hydrology 552, 421-432, 2017
Surface to sewer flow exchange through circular inlets during urban flood conditions
M Rubinato, S Lee, R Martins, JD Shucksmith
Journal of Hydroinformatics 20 (3), 564-576, 2018
Numerical and experimental investigation of a gully under surcharge conditions
P Lopes, J Leandro, RF Carvalho, P Páscoa, R Martins
Urban Water Journal 12 (6), 468-476, 2015
A comparison of three dual drainage models: shallow water vs local inertial vs diffusive wave
R Martins, J Leandro, AS Chen, S Djordjević
Journal of Hydroinformatics 19 (3), 331-348, 2017
Effectiveness of nature-based solutions on pluvial flood hazard mitigation: The case study of the city of eindhoven (the netherlands)
S Costa, R Peters, R Martins, L Postmes, JJ Keizer, P Roebeling
Resources 10 (3), 24, 2021
Influence of sewer network models on urban flood damage assessment based on coupled 1D/2D models
R Martins, J Leandro, S Djordjević
Journal of Flood Risk Management 11, S717-S728, 2018
What is wrong with post‐fire soil erosion modelling? A meta‐analysis on current approaches, research gaps, and future directions
AR Lopes, A Girona‐García, S Corticeiro, R Martins, JJ Keizer, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 46 (1), 205-219, 2021
On the characteristics of velocities fields in the vicinity of manhole inlet grates during flood events
R Martins, M Rubinato, G Kesserwani, J Leandro, S Djordjević, ...
Water Resources Research 54 (9), 6408-6422, 2018
Characterization of the hydraulic performance of a gully under drainage conditions
R Martins, J Leandro, RF de Carvalho
Water science and technology 69 (12), 2423-2430, 2014
Validation of 2D shock capturing flood models around a surcharging manhole
R Martins, G Kesserwani, M Rubinato, S Lee, J Leandro, S Djordjević, ...
Urban Water Journal 14 (9), 892-899, 2017
Quantification of energy losses at a surcharging manhole
M Rubinato, R Martins, JD Shucksmith
Urban Water Journal 15 (3), 234-241, 2018
A well balanced Roe scheme for the local inertial equations with an unstructured mesh
R Martins, J Leandro, S Djordjević
Advances in Water Resources 83, 351-363, 2015
Numerical and experimental characterization of the 2D vertical average-velocity plane at the center-profile and qualitative air entrainment inside a gully for drainage and …
J Leandro, P Lopes, R Carvalho, P Páscoa, R Martins, M Romagnoli
Computers & Fluids 102, 52-61, 2014
A high-frequency low-cost technique for measuring small-scale water level fluctuations using computer vision
JMGP Isidoro, R Martins, RF Carvalho, JLMP de Lima
Measurement 180, 109477, 2021
Wetting and drying numerical treatments for the Roe Riemann scheme
R Martins, J Leandro, S Djordjević
Journal of Hydraulic Research 56 (2), 256-267, 2018
Flow exchange, energy losses and pollutant transport in a surcharging manhole linked to street profiles
M Rubinato, L Helms, M Vanderlinden, J Hart, R Martins
Journal of Hydrology 604, 127201, 2022
Analytical solution of the classical dam-break problem for the gravity wave–model equations
R Martins, J Leandro, S Djordjević
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 142 (5), 06016003, 2016
Hypnosis for management of claustrophobia in magnetic resonance imaging
LGC Velloso, ML Duprat, R Martins, L Scoppetta
Radiologia Brasileira 43, 19-22, 2010
Analytical and numerical solutions of the Local Inertial Equations
R Martins, J Leandro, S Djordjevic
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2016
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Articles 1–20