Ali Massumi علی معصومی
Ali Massumi علی معصومی
Other namesعلی معصومی, Ali Masoumi, Ali Masoomi, Ali Masumi, Ali Massomi
Professor of Structural Engineering, Kharazmi University / Visiting Scholar, UCLA
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Cited by
A simplified method to determine seismic responses of reinforced concrete moment resisting building frames under influence of soil–structure interaction
HR Tabatabaiefar, A Massumi
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 30 (11), 1259-1267, 2010
A new damage index for RC buildings based on variations of nonlinear fundamental period
A Massumi, E Moshtagh
The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings 22 (1), 50-61, 2013
A novel and efficient method for damage detection in beam-like structures solely based on damaged structure data and using mode shape curvature estimation
SMH Pooya, A Massumi
Applied mathematical modelling 91, 670-694, 2021
Interaction between bracing system and moment resisting frame in braced RC frames
A Massumi, M Absalan
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 13, 260-268, 2013
Prediction of seismic overstrength in concrete moment resisting frames using incremental static and dynamic analyses
A Massumi, AA Tasnimi, M Saatcioglu
13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (13WCEE), 2004
The influence of seismic intensity parameters on structural damage of RC buildings using principal components analysis
A Massumi, F Gholami
Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (3), 2161–2176, 2016
Strengthening of low ductile reinforced concrete frames using steel x-bracings with different details
A Massumi, AA Tasnimi
14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2008
Effect of Structural Redundancy on Progressive Collapse Resistance Enhancement in RC Frame Structures
MR Ameri, A Massumi, H Masoomi
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE) 33 (1), 04018092-1 …, 2018
A novel damage detection method in beam-like structures based on the relation between modal kinetic energy and modal strain energy and using only damaged structure data
SMH Pooya, A Massumi
Journal of Sound and Vibration 530, 116943, 2022
Evaluation of response of reinforced concrete frames strengthened with steel bracing
AA Tasnimi, A Massumi
3rd International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (SEE3 …, 1999
Energy based procedure to obtain target displacement of reinforced concrete structures
A Massumi, B Monavari
Structural Engineering & Mechanics 48 (5), 681-695, 2013
A Comparative Study of the Seismic Provisions of Iranian Seismic Code (Standard No. 2800) and International Building Code 2003
N Imashi, A Massumi
Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (Building and Housing) 12 (5), 579-596, 2011
The effects of mainshock-aftershock in successive earthquakes on the response of RC moment-resisting frames considering the influence of the vertical seismic component
A Massumi, K Sadeghi, H Ghaedi
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (1), 393-405, 2021
Seismic behavior of RC moment resisting structures with concrete shear wall under mainshock–aftershock seismic sequences
O Karimzade Soureshjani, A Massumi
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 20 (2), 1087–1114, 2022
Seismic performance of steel moment and hinged frames with rocking shear walls
M Piri, A Massumi
Journal of Building Engineering 50, 104121, 2022
Estimating displacement demand in reinforced concrete frames using some failure criteria
B Monavari, A Massumi
International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering 4 (1), 1-6, 2012
Effects of soil-structure interaction on seismic behavior of ductile reinforced concrete moment resisting frames
A Massumi, HR Tabatabaiefar
World Housing Congress on Affordable Quality Housing (WHC2007): Challenges …, 2007
Estimation of Response Modification Factors for RC-MRF Structures
AA Tasnimi, A Massumi
Publication No. R-436, Building and Housing Research Center (BHRC) 1, 228, 2006
Required time gap between mainshock and aftershock for dynamic analysis of structures
RM Pirooz, S Habashi, A Massumi
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 19 (6), 2643-2670, 2021
Effects of openings geometry and relative area on seismic performance of steel shear walls
A Massumi, N Karimi, M Ahmadi
Steel and Composite Structures 28 (5), 617-628, 2018
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Articles 1–20