Jason Mayeur
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Cited by
A three-dimensional crystal plasticity model for duplex Ti–6Al–4V
JR Mayeur, DL McDowell
International journal of plasticity 23 (9), 1457-1485, 2007
Interface-driven microstructure development and ultra high strength of bulk nanostructured Cu-Nb multilayers fabricated by severe plastic deformation
IJ Beyerlein, NA Mara, JS Carpenter, T Nizolek, WM Mook, TA Wynn, ...
Journal of materials research 28 (13), 1799-1812, 2013
Emergence of stable interfaces under extreme plastic deformation
IJ Beyerlein, JR Mayeur, S Zheng, NA Mara, J Wang, A Misra
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 111 (12), 4386-4390, 2014
Structural representation of additively manufactured 316L austenitic stainless steel
CA Bronkhorst, JR Mayeur, V Livescu, R Pokharel, DW Brown, GT Gray III
International Journal of Plasticity 118, 70-86, 2019
Modeling the texture evolution of Cu/Nb layered composites during rolling
BL Hansen, JS Carpenter, SD Sintay, CA Bronkhorst, RJ McCabe, ...
International journal of plasticity 49, 71-84, 2013
Coupling continuum dislocation transport with crystal plasticity for application to shock loading conditions
DJ Luscher, JR Mayeur, HM Mourad, A Hunter, MA Kenamond
International Journal of Plasticity 76, 111-129, 2016
Dislocation-based micropolar single crystal plasticity: Comparison of multi-and single criterion theories
JR Mayeur, DL McDowell, DJ Bammann
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 59 (2), 398-422, 2011
Incorporating interface affected zones into crystal plasticity
JR Mayeur, IJ Beyerlein, CA Bronkhorst, HM Mourad
International journal of plasticity 65, 206-225, 2015
Crystal plasticity simulations of fretting of Ti-6Al-4V in partial slip regime considering effects of texture
JR Mayeur, DL McDowell, RW Neu
Computational Materials Science 41 (3), 356-365, 2008
A crystal plasticity study of heterophase interface character stability of Cu/Nb bicrystals
JR Mayeur, IJ Beyerlein, CA Bronkhorst, HM Mourad, BL Hansen
International Journal of Plasticity 48, 72-91, 2013
Size effects on microstructure and mechanical properties of additively manufactured copper–chromium–niobium alloy
G Demeneghi, B Barnes, P Gradl, JR Mayeur, K Hazeli
Materials Science and Engineering: A 820, 141511, 2021
A comparison of Gurtin type and micropolar theories of generalized single crystal plasticity
JR Mayeur, DL McDowell
International Journal of Plasticity 57, 29-51, 2014
Optimum high temperature strength of two-dimensional nanocomposites
MA Monclús, SJ Zheng, JR Mayeur, IJ Beyerlein, NA Mara, T Polcar, ...
APL materials 1 (5), 2013
Influence of slip and twinning on the crystallographic stability of bimetal interfaces in nanocomposites under deformation
IJ Beyerlein, JR Mayeur, RJ McCabe, SJ Zheng, JS Carpenter, NA Mara
Acta materialia 72, 137-147, 2014
Anomalous plasticity of body-centered-cubic crystals with non-Schmid effect
H Cho, CA Bronkhorst, HM Mourad, JR Mayeur, DJ Luscher
International Journal of Solids and Structures 139, 138-149, 2018
Deformation, dislocation evolution and the non-Schmid effect in body-centered-cubic single-and polycrystal tantalum
S Lee, H Cho, CA Bronkhorst, R Pokharel, DW Brown, B Clausen, ...
International Journal of Plasticity 163, 103529, 2023
Directed energy deposition GRCop-42 copper alloy: Characterization and size effects
G Demeneghi, B Barnes, P Gradl, D Ellis, JR Mayeur, K Hazeli
Materials & Design 222, 111035, 2022
Three-dimensional modeling of titanium–aluminum alloys with application to attachment fatigue
JR Mayeur
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, 2004
Insight into microstructure-sensitive elastic strain concentrations from integrated computational modeling and digital image correlation
MI Latypov, JC Stinville, JR Mayeur, JM Hestroffer, TM Pollock, ...
Scripta Materialia 192, 78-82, 2021
Synchronous involvement of topology and microstructure to design additively manufactured lattice structures
BB Babamiri, JR Mayeur, K Hazeli
Additive Manufacturing 52, 102618, 2022
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Articles 1–20