Anita Tewari
Anita Tewari
DVM, PhD Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology
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Bacillus cereus food poisoning: international and Indian perspective
A Tewari, S Abdullah
Journal of food science and technology 52, 2500-2511, 2015
Hirudotherapy/leech therapy: applications and indications in surgery
S Abdullah, LM Dar, A Rashid, A Tewari
Arch Clin Exp Surg 1 (3), 172-180, 2012
Incidence and enterotoxigenic profile of Bacillus cereus in meat and meat products of Uttarakhand, India
A Tewari, SP Singh, R Singh
Journal of food science and technology 52, 1796-1801, 2015
Human and Mouse Transcriptome Profiling Identifies Cross-Species Homology in Pulmonary and Lymph Node Mononuclear Phagocytes
SM Leach, SL Gibbings, AD Tewari, SM Atif, BrianVestal, ...
Cell Reports 33 (5), 2020
CCL5-producing migratory dendritic cells guide CCR5+ monocytes into the draining lymph nodes
K Rawat, A Tewari, X Li, AB Mara, WT King, SL Gibbings, CF Nnam, ...
journal of experimental medicine 220 (6), 2023
Sublethal chronic effects of oral dietary exposure to deltamethrin in Swiss albino mice
A Tewari, HS Banga, JPS Gill
Toxicology and Industrial Health 34 (6), 423-432, 2018
Concomitant effect of low dose of lindane and intranasal lipopolysaccharide on respiratory system of mice
A Tewari, RS Sethi, HS Banga, B Singh, JPS Gill
Human & Experimental Toxicology 36 (11), 1201-1211, 2017
Implication of functional ingredients of goat milk to develop functional foods
M Goswami, SK Bharti, A Tewari, H Sharma, KN Karunakara, T Khanam
Journal of Animal Feed Science and Technology 5, 65-72, 2017
Prevalence of Multidrug Resistant Bacillus cereus in Foods and Human Stool Samples in and Around Pantnagar, Uttrakhand
A Tewari, SP Singh, R Singh
Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research 2, 252-255, 2012
Redefining innate natural antibodies as important contributors to anti-tumor immunity
CJ Kavita Rawat, Anita Tewari, Madeline J Morrisson, Tor D Wager
eLife Sciences, 2021
Staphylococcus Aureusfrom a Commensal to Zoonotic Pathogen:A Critical Appraisal
M Pal, MY Shuramo, A Tewari, JP Srivastava, CHD Steinmetz
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research 7 (2 …, 2023
Oral exposure of deltamethrin and/or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced activation of the pulmonary immune system in Swiss albino mice
A Tewari, J Bedi, B Singh, JPS Gill
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 15436-15448, 2018
Assessment of hemato-biochemical parameters on exposure to low level of deltamethrin in mouse model.
A Tewari, JPS Gill
Veterinary world 7 (3), 2014
Natural antibodies alert the adaptive immune system of the presence of transformed cells in early tumorigenesis
K Rawat, SM Soucy, FW Kolling, KM Diaz, WT King, A Tewari, ...
The Journal of Immunology 209 (7), 1252-1259, 2022
Bovine mastitis: an important dairy cattle disease
A Tewari
Indian Dairyman, 62-5, 2014
LN Monocytes Limit DC-Poly I:C Induced Cytotoxic T Cell Response via IL-10 and Induction of Suppressor CD4 T Cells
A Tewari, MG Prabagar, SL Gibbings, K Rawat, CV Jakubzick
Frontiers in Immunology 12, 763379, 2021
Comparison of a new chromogenic medium with standard media for isolation and identification of Bacillus cereus
A Tewari, SP Singh, R Singh, D Kumar
Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 29 (1), 39-42, 2013
Characterization of Bacillus cereus isolates from raw milk
A Tewari, SP Singh, R Singh, R Kumar
J. Vet. Pub. Hlth 11 (2), 145-148, 2013
Neonatal Calf Diarrhoea
A Tewari
Indian Dairy, am, 54-57, 2012
Melioidosis: An emerging yet neglected bacterial zoonosis
P Mahendra, T Anita, D Nugusa
J Bacteriol Mycol Open Access 10 (2), 32-37, 2022
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Articles 1–20