Janet Sprintall
Janet Sprintall
Research Oceanographer
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Expanding oxygen-minimum zones in the tropical oceans
L Stramma, GC Johnson, J Sprintall, V Mohrholz
science 320 (5876), 655-658, 2008
Evidence of the barrier layer in the surface layer of the tropics
J Sprintall, M Tomczak
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 97 (C5), 7305-7316, 1992
Pacific western boundary currents and their roles in climate
D Hu, L Wu, W Cai, AS Gupta, A Ganachaud, B Qiu, AL Gordon, X Lin, ...
Nature 522 (7556), 299-308, 2015
Direct estimates of the Indonesian Throughflow entering the Indian Ocean: 2004–2006
J Sprintall, SE Wijffels, R Molcard, I Jaya
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 114 (C7), 2009
Southern Ocean mixed‐layer depth from Argo float profiles
S Dong, J Sprintall, ST Gille, L Talley
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 113 (C6), 2008
The Indonesian throughflow during 2004–2006 as observed by the INSTANT program
AL Gordon, J Sprintall, HM Van Aken, D Susanto, S Wijffels, R Molcard, ...
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 50 (2), 115-128, 2010
The Indonesian seas and their role in the coupled ocean–climate system
J Sprintall, AL Gordon, A Koch-Larrouy, T Lee, JT Potemra, K Pujiana, ...
Nature Geoscience 7 (7), 487-492, 2014
A semiannual Indian Ocean forced Kelvin wave observed in the Indonesian seas in May 1997
J Sprintall, AL Gordon, R Murtugudde, RD Susanto
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 105 (C7), 17217-17230, 2000
Location of the Antarctic polar front from AMSR-E satellite sea surface temperature measurements
S Dong, J Sprintall, ST Gille
Journal of Physical Oceanography 36 (11), 2075-2089, 2006
An assessment of the Southern Ocean mixed layer heat budget
S Dong, ST Gille, J Sprintall
Journal of Climate 20 (17), 4425-4442, 2007
The Indonesian throughflow response to Indo‐Pacific climate variability
J Sprintall, A Révelard
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (2), 1161-1175, 2014
The S outhwest P acific O cean circulation and climate experiment (SPICE)
A Ganachaud, S Cravatte, A Melet, A Schiller, NJ Holbrook, BM Sloyan, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (11), 7660-7686, 2014
Decadal climate variability in the tropical Pacific: Characteristics, causes, predictability, and prospects
S Power, M Lengaigne, A Capotondi, M Khodri, J Vialard, B Jebri, ...
Science 374 (6563), eaay9165, 2021
Sustained monitoring of the Southern Ocean at Drake Passage: Past achievements and future priorities
MP Meredith, PL Woodworth, TK Chereskin, DP Marshall, LC Allison, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 49 (4), 2011
INSTANT: A new international array to measure the Indonesian Throughflow
J Sprintall, S Wijffels, AL Gordon, A Ffield, R Molcard, RD Susanto, ...
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 85 (39), 369-376, 2004
Characteristics and variability of the Indonesian throughflow water at the outflow straits
A Atmadipoera, R Molcard, G Madec, S Wijffels, J Sprintall, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 56 (11), 1942-1954, 2009
Detecting change in the Indonesian seas
J Sprintall, AL Gordon, SE Wijffels, M Feng, S Hu, A Koch-Larrouy, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 257, 2019
Dynamics of the South Java current in the Indo‐Australian basin
J Sprintall, J Chong, F Syamsudin, W Morawitz, S Hautala, N Bray, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 26 (16), 2493-2496, 1999
Seasonal to interannual upper-ocean variability in the Drake Passage
J Sprintall
Deep expression of the Indonesian Throughflow: Indonesian intermediate water in the South Equatorial Current
LD Talley, J Sprintall
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 110 (C10), 2005
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Articles 1–20