Rani W Sullivan
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Cited by
Recent research advances on the dynamic analysis of composite shells: 2000–2009
MS Qatu, RW Sullivan, W Wang
Composite structures 93 (1), 14-31, 2010
Large scale applications using FBG sensors: determination of in-flight loads and shape of a composite aircraft wing
MJ Nicolas, RW Sullivan, WL Richards
Aerospace 3 (3), 18, 2016
Development of a viscoelastic continuum damage model for cyclic loading
RW Sullivan
Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials 12, 329-342, 2008
Influence of stitching on the out-of-plane behavior of composite materials–A mechanistic review
DA Drake, RW Sullivan, AE Lovejoy, SB Clay, DC Jegley
Journal of Composite Materials 55 (23), 3307-3321, 2021
Influence of stitching on the fracture of stitched sandwich composites
DA Drake, RW Sullivan, SB Clay, JL DuBien
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 145, 106383, 2021
Structural analysis and testing of an ultralight unmanned-aerial-vehicle carbon-composite wing
RW Sullivan, Y Hwang, M Rais-Rohani, T Lacy
Journal of aircraft 46 (3), 814-820, 2009
Experimental vibration analysis of a composite UAV wing
J Simsiriwong, RW Sullivan
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 19 (1-3), 196-206, 2012
Impact response in polymer composites from embedded optical fibers
LK Batte, RW Sullivan, V Ranatunga, K Brown
Journal of Composite Materials 52 (25), 3415-3427, 2018
Prediction of delamination propagation in polymer composites
DA Drake, RW Sullivan
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 124, 105467, 2019
Vibration testing of a carbon composite fuselage
J Simsiriwong, RW Sullivan
International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration 6 (2-4), 149-162, 2010
Distributed optical sensing in composite laminates
L Meadows, RW Sullivan, K Brown, V Ranatunga, K Vehorn, S Olson
The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 52 (7), 410-421, 2017
Structural testing of an ultralight UAV composite wing
R Sullivan, M Rais-Rohani, T Lacy, N Alday
47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2006
Gas permeability of three-dimensional stitched carbon/epoxy composites for cryogenic applications
S Saha, RW Sullivan, ML Baker
Composites Part B: Engineering 216, 108847, 2021
Distributed strain sensing from different optical fiber configurations
DA Drake, RW Sullivan, JC Wilson
Inventions 3 (4), 67, 2018
An annotative review of multiscale modeling and its application to scales inherent in the field of ICME
RW Sullivan, SM Arnold
Models, databases, and simulation tools needed for the realization of …, 2011
Influence of 3-D periodic stitching patterns on the strain distributions in polymer matrix composites
R Alaziz, S Saha, RW Sullivan, Z Tian
Composite Structures 278, 114690, 2021
Gas permeability mitigation of cryogenically cycled stitched composites using thin plies
S Saha, RW Sullivan, ML Baker
Composite Structures 304, 116352, 2023
On the use of a spectrum-based model for linear viscoelastic materials
RW Sullivan
Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials 10, 215-228, 2006
Plate wave flow patterns for ply orientation imaging in fiber reinforced composites
RW Sullivan, K Balasubramaniam, G Bennett
Materials evaluation 54 (4), 518-523, 1996
Strain distributions in bonded composites using optical fibers and digital image correlation
S Saha, RW Sullivan
Proceedings of the American society for composites-34th technical conference …, 2019
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Articles 1–20