Fei Yi
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Cited by
Sensitive Room-Temperature H2S Gas Sensors Employing SnO2 Quantum Wire/Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites
HL Zhilong Song, Zeru Wei, Baocun Wang, Zhen Luo, Songman Xu, Wenkai Zhang ...
Chemistry of Materials 28 (4), 1205–1212, 2016
Artificial structural colors and applications
Z Xuan, J Li, Q Liu, F Yi, S Wang, W Lu
The Innovation 2 (1), 2021
Non-dispersive infrared multi-gas sensing via nanoantenna integrated narrowband detectors
X Tan, H Zhang, J Li, H Wan, Q Guo, H Zhu, H Liu, F Yi
Nature communications 11 (1), 5245, 2020
Quasiepitaxy Strategy for Efficient Full‐Inorganic Sb2S3 Solar Cells
H Deng, Y Zeng, M Ishaq, S Yuan, H Zhang, X Yang, M Hou, U Farooq, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 29 (31), 1901720, 2019
Accelerated Optimization of TiO2/Sb2Se3 Thin Film Solar Cells by High‐Throughput Combinatorial Approach
C Chen, Y Zhao, S Lu, K Li, Y Li, B Yang, W Chen, L Wang, D Li, H Deng, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 7 (20), 1700866, 2017
Plasmonic metamaterial absorber for broadband manipulation of mechanical resonances
H Zhu, F Yi, E Cubukcu
Nature Photonics 10 (11), 709-714, 2016
Voltage tuning of plasmonic absorbers by indium tin oxide
F Yi, E Shim, AY Zhu, H Zhu, JC Reed, E Cubukcu
Applied Physics Letters 102 (22), 2013
Low-Dimensional Halide Perovskites and Their Advanced Optoelectronic Applications
J Zhang, X Yang, H Deng, K Qiao, U Farooq, M Ishaq, F Yi, H Liu, J Tang, ...
Nano-micro letters 9, 1-26, 2017
Optomechanical enhancement of doubly resonant 2D optical nonlinearity
F Yi, M Ren, JC Reed, H Zhu, J Hou, CH Naylor, ATC Johnson, R Agarwal, ...
2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO),San Jose, CA, USA, 2016, 1-2, 2016
Wavelength Tunable Microdisk Cavity Light Source with a Chemically Enhanced MoS2 Emitter
JC Reed, AY Zhu, H Zhu, F Yi, E Cubukcu
Nano letters 15 (3), 1967-1971, 2015
Inverse design of multifunctional plasmonic metamaterial absorbers for infrared polarimetric imaging
J Li, L Bao, S Jiang, Q Guo, D Xu, B Xiong, G Zhang, F Yi
Optics express 27 (6), 8375-8386, 2019
Optoelectromechanical Multimodal Biosensor with Graphene Active Region
AY Zhu*, F Yi*, JC Reed, H Zhu, E Cubukcu**
Nano Letters, 2014
Plasmonically Enhanced Thermomechanical Detection of Infrared Radiation
F Yi, H Zhu, JC Reed, E Cubukcu
Nano Letters 13 (4), 1638–1643, 2013
Tailoring optical responses of infrared plasmonic metamaterial absorbers by optical phonons
J Li, R Gan, Q Guo, H Liu, J Xu, F Yi
Optics Express 26 (13), 16769-16781, 2018
Silicon-on-glass graphene-functionalized leaky cavity mode nanophotonic biosensor
Q Guo, H Zhu, F Liu, AY Zhu, JC Reed, F Yi, E Cubukcu
Acs Photonics 1 (3), 221-227, 2014
Nonlinear photonic crystal waveguide structures based on barium titanate thin films and their optical properties
Z Liu, PT Lin, BW Wessels, F Yi, ST Ho
Applied physics letters 90 (20), 201104, 2007
Thermoplasmonic Membrane-Based Infrared Detector
F Yi, H Zhu, JC Reed, AY Zhu, E Cubukcu
Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 26 (99), 1-1, 2014
Nanoantenna Absorbers for Thermal Detectors
H Zhu, F Yi, E Cubukcu
Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 24 (14), 1194-1196, 2012
Two-dimensional ferroelectric photonic crystal waveguides: simulation, fabrication, and optical characterization
PT Lin, F Yi, ST Ho, BW Wessels
Lightwave Technology, Journal of 27 (19), 4330-4337, 2009
Metamaterial microbolometers for multi-spectral infrared polarization imaging
S Jiang, J Li, J Li, J Lai, F Yi
Optics Express 30 (6), 9065-9087, 2022
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