Matthias Englert
Matthias Englert
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Worst case and probabilistic analysis of the 2-Opt algorithm for the TSP
M Englert, H Röglin, B Vöcking
Algorithmica 68 (1), 190-264, 2014
Considering Suppressed Packets Improves Buffer Management in Quality of Service Switches
M Englert, M Westermann
SIAM Journal on Computing 41 (5), 1166-1192, 2012
Vertex sparsifiers: New results from old techniques
M Englert, A Gupta, R Krauthgamer, H Racke, I Talgam-Cohen, K Talwar
SIAM Journal on Computing 43 (4), 1239-1262, 2014
Lower and upper bounds on FIFO buffer management in QoS switches
M Englert, M Westermann
Algorithmica 53 (4), 523-548, 2009
The power of reordering for online minimum makespan scheduling
M Englert, D Özmen, M Westermann
SIAM Journal on Computing 43 (3), 1220-1237, 2014
The reachability problem for two-dimensional vector addition systems with states
M Blondin, M Englert, A Finkel, S Göller, C Haase, R Lazic, P McKenzie, ...
Journal of the ACM, 2021
Reordering buffers for general metric spaces
M Englert, H Räcke, M Westermann
Proceedings of the thirty-ninth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 2007
Reordering buffer management for non-uniform cost models
M Englert, M Westermann
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 627-638, 2005
An O (log k)-Competitive Algorithm for Generalized Caching
A Adamaszek, A Czumaj, M Englert, H Räcke
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) 15 (1), 6, 2018
Almost Tight Bounds for Reordering Buffer Management
A Adamaszek, A Czumaj, M Englert, H Räcke
SIAM Journal on Computing 51 (3), 701-722, 2022
Oblivious routing for the Lp-norm
M Englert, H Räcke
2009 50th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 32-40, 2009
Multiple-choice balanced allocation in (almost) parallel
P Berenbrink, A Czumaj, M Englert, T Friedetzky, L Nagel
International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial …, 2012
Sensitivity of Wardrop equilibria
M Englert, T Franke, L Olbrich
Theory of Computing Systems 47, 3-14, 2010
Smoothed analysis of the 2-Opt algorithm for the general TSP
M Englert, H Röglin, B Vöcking
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) 13 (1), 1-15, 2016
Experimental supplements to the theoretical analysis of EAs on problems from combinatorial optimization
P Briest, D Brockhoff, B Degener, M Englert, C Gunia, O Heering, ...
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature-PPSN VIII: 8th International Conference …, 2004
Learning a neuron by a shallow relu network: Dynamics and implicit bias for correlated inputs
D Chistikov, M Englert, R Lazic
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 23748-23760, 2023
A lower bound for the coverability problem in acyclic pushdown VAS
M Englert, P Hofman, S Lasota, R Lazić, J Leroux, J Straszyński
Information Processing Letters 167, 106079, 2021
Reordering Buffers with Logarithmic Diameter Dependency for Trees
M Englert, H Räcke
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete …, 2017
Evaluation of online strategies for reordering buffers
M Englert, H Röglin, M Westermann
Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA) 14, 3.3-3.14, 2010
Economical caching
M Englert, H Röglin, J Spönemann, B Vöcking
ACM Transactions on Computation Theory (TOCT) 5 (2), 1-21, 2013
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Articles 1–20