Michael G. Luchs
Cited by
Cited by
The sustainability liability: Potential negative effects of ethicality on product preference
MG Luchs, RW Naylor, JR Irwin, R Raghunathan
Journal of marketing 74 (5), 18-31, 2010
Sustainable consumption: Opportunities for consumer research and public policy
A Prothero, S Dobscha, J Freund, WE Kilbourne, MG Luchs, LK Ozanne, ...
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 30 (1), 31-38, 2011
Understanding the inherent complexity of sustainable consumption: A social cognitive framework
M Phipps, LK Ozanne, MG Luchs, S Subrahmanyan, S Kapitan, JR Catlin, ...
Journal of Business Research 66 (8), 1227-1234, 2013
Sex, personality, and sustainable consumer behaviour: Elucidating the gender effect
MG Luchs, TA Mooradian
Journal of Consumer Policy 35, 127-144, 2012
Perspective: The Emergence of Product Design as a Field of Marketing Inquiry*
M Luchs, KS Swan
Journal of Product Innovation Management 28 (3), 327-345, 2011
Design thinking: new product development essentials from the PDMA
MG Luchs, KS Swan, A Griffin
John Wiley & Sons, 2015
Product choice and the importance of aesthetic design given the emotion‐laden trade‐off between sustainability and functional performance
MG Luchs, J Brower, R Chitturi
Journal of Product Innovation Management 29 (6), 903-916, 2012
“Yes, but this other one looks better/works better”: How do consumers respond to trade-offs between sustainability and other valued attributes?
MG Luchs, M Kumar
Journal of business ethics 140, 567-584, 2017
Managing the tensions at the intersection of the triple bottom line: A paradox theory approach to sustainability management
LK Ozanne, M Phipps, T Weaver, M Carrington, M Luchs, J Catlin, ...
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 35 (2), 249-261, 2016
Toward a sustainable marketplace: Expanding options and benefits for consumers
MG Luchs, RW Naylor, RL Rose, JR Catlin, R Gau, S Kapitan, J Mish, ...
Perspective: A review of marketing research on product design with directions for future research
MG Luchs, KS Swan, MEH Creusen
Journal of Product Innovation Management 33 (3), 320-341, 2016
Exploring consumer responsibility for sustainable consumption
MG Luchs, M Phipps, T Hill
Journal of Marketing Management 31 (13-14), 1449-1471, 2015
Consumer perceptions of the social vs. environmental dimensions of sustainability
JR Catlin, MG Luchs, M Phipps
Journal of Consumer Policy 40 (3), 245-277, 2017
A brief introduction to design thinking
MG Luchs
Design thinking: New product development essentials from the PDMA, 1-12, 2015
Headset microphone
BCS M Luchs, BP Lancaster
US Patent D410,921, 1999
Consumer Wisdom: A Theoretical Framework of Five Integrated Facets
MG Luchs, DG Mick
Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2018
Enabling and cultivating wiser consumption: The roles of marketing and public policy
LK Ozanne, J Stornelli, MG Luchs, DG Mick, J Bayuk, M Birau, S Chugani, ...
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 40 (2), 226-244, 2021
16. Consumer responsibility for sustainable consumption
MG Luchs, RA Miller
Handbook of research on sustainable consumption, 254-267, 2015
Mindfulness enhances the values that promote sustainable consumption
T Kaur, MG Luchs
Psychology & Marketing 39 (5), 990-1006, 2022
From the Special Issue Editors: Product Design Research and Practice: Past, Present and Future.
KS Swan, M Luchs
Journal of product innovation management 28 (3), 2011
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Articles 1–20