Mary E Northridge
Mary E Northridge
New York University Grossman School of Medicine and School of Global Public Health
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Sorting out the connections between the built environment and health: a conceptual framework for navigating pathways and planning healthy cities
ME Northridge, ED Sclar, P Biswas
Journal of urban health 80, 556-568, 2003
Social determinants of health: implications for environmental health promotion
A Schulz, ME Northridge
Health education & behavior 31 (4), 455-471, 2004
Disparities in access to oral health care
ME Northridge, A Kumar, R Kaur
Annual review of public health 41 (1), 513-535, 2020
A multilevel analysis of income inequality and cardiovascular disease risk factors
AV Diez-Roux, BG Link, ME Northridge
Social science & medicine 50 (5), 673-687, 2000
The health of sexual minorities: Public health perspectives on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender populations
IH Meyer, ME Northridge
Springer Science & Business Media, 2007
Airborne concentrations of PM (2.5) and diesel exhaust particles on Harlem sidewalks: a community-based pilot study.
PL Kinney, M Aggarwal, ME Northridge, NA Janssen, P Shepard
Environmental health perspectives 108 (3), 213-218, 2000
Social epidemiology and the fundamental cause concept: on the structuring of effective cancer screens by socioeconomic status
BG Link, ME Northridge, JC Phelan, ML Ganz
The Milbank Quarterly 76 (3), 375-402, 1998
Home hazards and falls in the elderly: the role of health and functional status.
ME Northridge, MC Nevitt, JL Kelsey, B Link
American journal of public health 85 (4), 509-515, 1995
Public health methods--attributable risk as a link between causality and public health action.
ME Northridge
American journal of public health 85 (9), 1202-1204, 1995
Preface: Advancing environmental justice through community-based participatory research
PM Shepard, ME Northridge, S Prakash, G Stover
Environmental Health Perspectives 110 (Suppl 2), 139-140, 2002
Assessing health impact assessment: multidisciplinary and international perspectives
N Krieger, M Northridge, S Gruskin, M Quinn, D Kriebel, GD Smith, ...
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 57 (9), 659-662, 2003
Prevalence and social correlates of cardiovascular disease risk factors in Harlem.
AV Diez-Roux, ME Northridge, A Morabia, MT Bassett, S Shea
American journal of public health 89 (3), 302-307, 1999
Aging in the United States: opportunities and challenges for public health
LA Anderson, RA Goodman, D Holtzman, SF Posner, ME Northridge
American journal of public health 102 (3), 393-395, 2012
Urban planning and health equity
ME Northridge, L Freeman
Journal of urban health 88, 582-597, 2011
A joint urban planning and public health framework: contributions to health impact assessment
ME Northridge, E Sclar
American journal of public health 93 (1), 118-121, 2003
Dietary patterns in six European populations: results from EURALIM, a collaborative European data harmonization and information campaign
S Beer-Borst, S Hercberg, A Morabia, MS Bernstein, P Galan, R Galasso, ...
European journal of clinical nutrition 54 (3), 253-262, 2000
Addressing the childhood asthma crisis in Harlem: the Harlem Children’s Zone Asthma Initiative
SW Nicholas, B Jean-Louis, B Ortiz, M Northridge, K Shoemaker, ...
American journal of public health 95 (2), 245-249, 2005
Environmental equity and health: understanding complexity and moving forward
ME Northridge, GN Stover, JE Rosenthal, D Sherard
American journal of public health 93 (2), 209-214, 2003
Enhancing implementation science by applying best principles of systems science
ME Northridge, SS Metcalf
Health Research Policy and Systems 14, 1-8, 2016
Obesity and other health determinants across Europe: the EURALIM project
S Beer-Borst, A Morabia, S Hercberg, O Vitek, MS Bernstein, P Galan, ...
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 54 (6), 424-430, 2000
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Articles 1–20