Etty Riani
Etty Riani
Lecture and Researcher, Aquatic Resources Management, Bogor Agricultural University
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Unprecedented plastic-made personal protective equipment (PPE) debris in river outlets into Jakarta Bay during COVID-19 pandemic
MR Cordova, IS Nurhati, E Riani, MY Iswari
Chemosphere 268, 129360, 2021
Analisis kualitas air dan daya tampung beban pencemaran sungai pesanggrahan di wilayah provinsi DKI Jakarta
V Djoharam, E Riani, M Yani
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam Dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural …, 2018
Microplastics ingestion by blue panchax fish (Aplocheilus sp.) from Ciliwung Estuary, Jakarta, Indonesia
MR Cordova, E Riani, A Shiomoto
Marine Pollution Bulletin 161, 111763, 2020
Heavy metal pollution and its relation to the malformation of green mussels cultured in Muara Kamal waters, Jakarta Bay, Indonesia
E Riani, MR Cordova, Z Arifin
Marine pollution bulletin 133, 664-670, 2018
Spatial and temporal distribution of microplastic in surface water of tropical estuary: Case study in Benoa Bay, Bali, Indonesia
Y Suteja, AS Atmadipoera, E Riani, IW Nurjaya, D Nugroho, MR Cordova
Marine Pollution Bulletin 163, 111979, 2021
The deposition of atmospheric microplastics in Jakarta-Indonesia: The coastal urban area
AIS Purwiyanto, T Prartono, E Riani, Y Naulita, MR Cordova, AF Koropitan
Marine Pollution Bulletin 174, 113195, 2022
The occurrence and abundance of microplastics in surface water of the midstream and downstream of the Cisadane River, Indonesia
L Sulistyowati, E Riani, MR Cordova
Chemosphere 291, 133071, 2022
Nurhasanah, & Iswari, MY (2021). Unprecedented plastic-made personal protective equipment (PPE) debris in river outlets into Jakarta Bay during COVID-19 pandemic
MR Cordova, IS Nurhati, E Riani
Chemosphere 268 (129360), 7, 2021
Micro-and mesoplastics release from the Indonesian municipal solid waste landfill leachate to the aquatic environment: Case study in Galuga Landfill Area, Indonesia
MR Cordova, E Riani
Marine Pollution Bulletin 163, 111986, 2021
Perubahan iklim dan kehidupan biota akuatik (Dampak pada bioakumulasi bahan berbahaya dan beracun & reproduksi)
E Riani
Challenging for seagrass management in Indonesia
E Riani, I Djuwita, S Budiharsono, A Purbayanto, H Asmus
Journal of Coastal Development 15 (3), 234-242, 2012
Uji patogenisitas dan virulensi Aeromonas hydrophila Stanier pada ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus Lin.) melalui postulat Koch
W Mangunwardoyo, R Ismayasari, E Riani
Jurnal Riset Akuakultur 5 (2), 145-255, 2010
Spatiotemporal macro debris and microplastic variations linked to domestic waste and textile industry in the supercritical Citarum River, Indonesia
MR Cordova, IS Nurhati, A Shiomoto, K Hatanaka, R Saville, E Riani
Marine Pollution Bulletin 175, 113338, 2022
Heavy metals effect on unviable larvae of Dicrotendipes simpsoni (Diptera: Chironomidae), a case study from Saguling Dam, Indonesia
E Riani, Y Sudarso, MR Cordova
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 7 (2), 76-84, 2014
Strategi Pemasaran UMKM Dalam Meningkatkan Daya Saing di Pasar Ritel Modern Carrefour (Kasus PT MadaniFood, Jakarta)
M Dewi, M Hubeis, E Riani
MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah 15 (1 …, 2020
Stranded marine debris on the touristic beaches in the south of Bali Island, Indonesia: The spatiotemporal abundance and characteristic
Y Suteja, AS Atmadipoera, E Riani, IW Nurjaya, D Nugroho, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 173, 113026, 2021
The effect of heavy metals on tissue damage in different organs of goldfish cultivated in floating fish net in Cirata Reservoir, Indonesia
E Riani
Indian Journal Research 4 (2), 132-136, 2015
Microplastic ingestion by the sandfish Holothuria scabra in Lampung and Sumbawa, Indonesia
E Riani, MR Cordova
Marine Pollution Bulletin 175, 113134, 2022
Bioakumulasi logam berat kadmium dan timbal pada Kerang Kapak-Kapak di Kepulauan Seribu
E Riani, HS Johari, MR Cordova
Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia 20 (1), 131-142, 2017
Estimasi beban pencemaran point source dan limbah domestik di sungai kalibaru timur Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
R Pangestu, E Riani, H Effendi
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam Dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural …, 2017
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