Vinita J.
Vinita J.
Lady Doak College
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Olfactory epileptic auras
V Acharya, J Acharya, H Lüders
Neurology 51 (1), 56-61, 1998
Epilepsy in the elderly: special considerations and challenges
JN Acharya, VJ Acharya
Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology 17 (Suppl 1), S18-S26, 2014
Overview of EEG montages and principles of localization
JN Acharya, VJ Acharya
Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 36 (5), 325-329, 2019
Perception, practices towards research and predictors of research career among UG medical students from coastal South India: A cross-sectional study
HNH Kumar, S Jayaram, GS Kumar, J Vinita, S Rohit, M Satish, ...
Indian Journal of Community Medicine 34 (4), 306-309, 2009
Seasonal stratification and property distributions in a tropical estuary (Cochin estuary, west coast, India)
A Shivaprasad, J Vinita, C Revichandran, PD Reny, MP Deepak, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (1), 187-199, 2013
Limitations of the fetal anatomic survey via ultrasound in the obese obstetrical population
JH Chung, R Pelayo, TJ Hatfield, VJ Speir, J Wu, AB Caughey
The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 25 (10), 1945-1949, 2012
Robot assisted stereotactic laser ablation for a radiosurgery resistant hypothalamic hamartoma
N Brandmeir, V Acharya, M Sather
Cureus 8 (4), 2016
Plankton food web and its seasonal dynamics in a large monsoonal estuary (Cochin backwaters, India)-significance of mesohaline region
PM Sooria, R Jyothibabu, A Anjusha, G Vineetha, J Vinita, KR Lallu, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 187 (7), 427, 2015
Influence of Saltwater Barrage on Tides, Salinity, and Chlorophyll a in Cochin Estuary, India
A Shivaprasad, J Vinita, C Revichandran, NT Manoj, K Srinivas, PD Reny, ...
Journal of Coastal Research 29 (6), 1382-1390, 2013
Transport of dissolved nutrients and chlorophyll a in a tropical estuary, southwest coast of India
KR Lallu, KH Fausia, J Vinita, KK Balachandran, KR Naveen Kumar, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 186, 4829-4839, 2014
Live unilateral twin ectopic pregnancy in a fallopian tube remnant after previous ipsilateral salpingectomy
TC Longoria, ML Stephenson, VJ Speir
Journal of Clinical Ultrasound 42 (3), 169-171, 2014
Suspended sediment dynamics in Cochin estuary, west coast, India
J Vinita, C Revichandran, NT Manoj
Journal of Coastal Conservation 21, 233-244, 2017
Salinity response to seasonal runoff in a complex estuarine system (Cochin Estuary, West Coast of India)
J Vinita, A Shivaprasad, C Revichandran, NT Manoj, KR Muraleedharan, ...
Coastal Education and Research Foundation, 2015
Ambiguities in the classification of Cochin Estuary, West coast of India
A Shivaprasad, J Vinita, C Revichandran, NT Manoj, KV Jayalakshmy, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 10 (3), 3595-3628, 2013
Increased occurrence of valproic acid‐induced hyperammonemia in carriers of T1405N polymorphism in carbamoyl phosphate synthetase 1 gene
PK Janicki, D Bezinover, M Postula, RS Thompson, J Acharya, V Acharya, ...
International Scholarly Research Notices 2013 (1), 261497, 2013
Spatial tidal asymmetry of Cochin estuary, west coast, India
J Vinita, A Shivaprasad, NT Manoj, C Revichandran, KR Naveenkumar, ...
Journal of Coastal Conservation 19, 537-551, 2015
Residual fluxes of water and nutrient transport through the main inlet of a tropical estuary, Cochin estuary, West Coast, India
J Vinita, KR Lallu, C Revichandran, KR Muraleedharan, VK Jineesh, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 187, 1-13, 2015
Olfactory epileptic auras
V Acharya, J Acharya, H Luders
Neurology 46 (2), 6060-6060, 1996
Hyperventilation-induced EEG slowing with altered awareness: Non-epileptic, epileptic or both?
JN Acharya, VJ Acharya
Clinical Neurophysiology Practice 6, 189, 2021
The rural obstetrical ultrasound triage exam: teaching ultrasonography to students interested in global health
JG Steller, L Sims, JC Fox, J Toohey, C Major, V Speir
Obstetrics & Gynecology 123, 119S, 2014
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Articles 1–20