Rolfe Mandel
Rolfe Mandel
Distinguished Professor
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Watson Brake, a Middle Archaic mound complex in northeast Louisiana
JW Saunders, RD Mandel, CG Sampson, CM Allen, ET Allen, DA Bush, ...
American Antiquity 70 (4), 631-668, 2005
C4 plant productivity and climate-CO2 variations in south-central Texas during the late Quaternary
LC Nordt, TW Boutton, JS Jacob, RD Mandel
Quaternary Research 58 (2), 182-188, 2002
A mound complex in Louisiana at 5400-5000 years before the present
JW Saunders, RD Mandel, RT Saucier, ET Allen, CT Hallmark, ...
Science 277 (5333), 1796-1799, 1997
'Ain Ghazal: A major Neolithic settlement in central Jordan
AH Simmons, I Köhler-Rollefson, GO Rollefson, R Mandel, Z Kafafi
Science 240 (4848), 35-39, 1988
The effects of temporal and spatial patterns of Holocene erosion and alluviation on the archaeological record of the Central and Eastern Great Plains, USA
EA Bettis III, RD Mandel
Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 17 (2), 141-154, 2002
Soils and Holocene landscape evolution in central and southwestern Kansas: Implications for archaeological research
RD Mandel
Soils in archaeology: Landscape evolution and human occupation, 41-100, 1992
Holocene environments of the central Great Plains: multi-proxy evidence from alluvial sequences, southeastern Nebraska
RG Baker, GG Fredlund, RD Mandel, EA Bettis III
Quaternary International 67 (1), 75-88, 2000
Geomorphic controls of the Archaic record in the Central Plains of the United States
RD Mandel
Wadi Shuʿeib, a large Neolithic community in central Jordan: final report of test investigations
AH Simmons, GO Rollefson, Z Kafafi, RD Mandel, M al-Nahar, J Cooper, ...
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 321 (1), 1-39, 2001
Buried Paleoindian-age landscapes in stream valleys of the Central Plains, USA
RD Mandel
Geomorphology 101 (1-2), 342-361, 2008
The role of the western harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex occidentalis) in soil formation
RD Mandel, CJ Sorenson
Soil Science Society of America Journal 46 (4), 785-788, 1982
Late Quaternary environmental change inferred from phytoliths and other soil-related proxies: case studies from the central and southern Great Plains, USA
CE Cordova, WC Johnson, RD Mandel, MW Palmer
Catena 85 (2), 87-108, 2011
Use and analysis of soils by archaeologists and geoscientists: A North American perspective
RD Mandel, EA Bettis III
Earth sciences and archaeology, 173-204, 2001
Encyclopedia of geoarchaeology
AS Gilbert, P Goldberg, VT Holliday, RD Mandel, RS Sternberg
Springer Netherlands, 2017
Prehistoric occupation of late quaternary landscapes near Kharga Oasis, Western Desert of Egypt
RD Mandel, AH Simmons
Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 16 (1), 95-117, 2001
The central lowlands and Great Plains
VT Holliday, JC Knox, GL Running IV, RD Mandel, CR Ferring
The physical geography of North America, 335-362, 2002
Geoarchaeology of the Akrotiri Aetokremnos rockshelter, Southern Cyprus
RD Mandel, AH Simmons
Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 12 (6), 567-605, 1997
Stratigraphy of the Younger Dryas chronozone and paleoenvironmental implications: central and southern great plains
VT Holliday, DJ Meltzer, R Mandel
Quaternary International 242 (2), 520-533, 2011
Not such a new light: a response to Ammerman and Noller
A Simmons, R Mandel
World Archaeology 39 (4), 475-482, 2007
Isotopic evidence for Younger Dryas aridity in the North American midcontinent
JA Dorale, LA Wozniak, EA Bettis III, SJ Carpenter, RD Mandel, ER Hajic, ...
Geology 38 (6), 519-522, 2010
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Articles 1–20