Watson Brake, a Middle Archaic mound complex in northeast Louisiana JW Saunders, RD Mandel, CG Sampson, CM Allen, ET Allen, DA Bush, ... American Antiquity 70 (4), 631-668, 2005 | 150 | 2005 |
C4 plant productivity and climate-CO2 variations in south-central Texas during the late Quaternary LC Nordt, TW Boutton, JS Jacob, RD Mandel Quaternary Research 58 (2), 182-188, 2002 | 142 | 2002 |
A mound complex in Louisiana at 5400-5000 years before the present JW Saunders, RD Mandel, RT Saucier, ET Allen, CT Hallmark, ... Science 277 (5333), 1796-1799, 1997 | 112 | 1997 |
'Ain Ghazal: A major Neolithic settlement in central Jordan AH Simmons, I Köhler-Rollefson, GO Rollefson, R Mandel, Z Kafafi Science 240 (4848), 35-39, 1988 | 107 | 1988 |
The effects of temporal and spatial patterns of Holocene erosion and alluviation on the archaeological record of the Central and Eastern Great Plains, USA EA Bettis III, RD Mandel Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 17 (2), 141-154, 2002 | 102 | 2002 |
Soils and Holocene landscape evolution in central and southwestern Kansas: Implications for archaeological research RD Mandel Soils in archaeology: Landscape evolution and human occupation, 41-100, 1992 | 102 | 1992 |
Holocene environments of the central Great Plains: multi-proxy evidence from alluvial sequences, southeastern Nebraska RG Baker, GG Fredlund, RD Mandel, EA Bettis III Quaternary International 67 (1), 75-88, 2000 | 101 | 2000 |
Geomorphic controls of the Archaic record in the Central Plains of the United States RD Mandel | 94 | 1995 |
Wadi Shuʿeib, a large Neolithic community in central Jordan: final report of test investigations AH Simmons, GO Rollefson, Z Kafafi, RD Mandel, M al-Nahar, J Cooper, ... Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 321 (1), 1-39, 2001 | 92 | 2001 |
Buried Paleoindian-age landscapes in stream valleys of the Central Plains, USA RD Mandel Geomorphology 101 (1-2), 342-361, 2008 | 89 | 2008 |
The role of the western harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex occidentalis) in soil formation RD Mandel, CJ Sorenson Soil Science Society of America Journal 46 (4), 785-788, 1982 | 85 | 1982 |
Late Quaternary environmental change inferred from phytoliths and other soil-related proxies: case studies from the central and southern Great Plains, USA CE Cordova, WC Johnson, RD Mandel, MW Palmer Catena 85 (2), 87-108, 2011 | 68 | 2011 |
Use and analysis of soils by archaeologists and geoscientists: A North American perspective RD Mandel, EA Bettis III Earth sciences and archaeology, 173-204, 2001 | 67 | 2001 |
Encyclopedia of geoarchaeology AS Gilbert, P Goldberg, VT Holliday, RD Mandel, RS Sternberg Springer Netherlands, 2017 | 50 | 2017 |
Prehistoric occupation of late quaternary landscapes near Kharga Oasis, Western Desert of Egypt RD Mandel, AH Simmons Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 16 (1), 95-117, 2001 | 49 | 2001 |
The central lowlands and Great Plains VT Holliday, JC Knox, GL Running IV, RD Mandel, CR Ferring The physical geography of North America, 335-362, 2002 | 48 | 2002 |
Geoarchaeology of the Akrotiri Aetokremnos rockshelter, Southern Cyprus RD Mandel, AH Simmons Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 12 (6), 567-605, 1997 | 45 | 1997 |
Stratigraphy of the Younger Dryas chronozone and paleoenvironmental implications: central and southern great plains VT Holliday, DJ Meltzer, R Mandel Quaternary International 242 (2), 520-533, 2011 | 40 | 2011 |
Not such a new light: a response to Ammerman and Noller A Simmons, R Mandel World Archaeology 39 (4), 475-482, 2007 | 39 | 2007 |
Isotopic evidence for Younger Dryas aridity in the North American midcontinent JA Dorale, LA Wozniak, EA Bettis III, SJ Carpenter, RD Mandel, ER Hajic, ... Geology 38 (6), 519-522, 2010 | 38 | 2010 |