Santiago Hernández-León
Santiago Hernández-León
Professor, Biological Oceanography, Instituto de Oceanografía y Cambio Global (IOCAG)
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Plastic debris in the open ocean
A Cózar, F Echevarría, JI González-Gordillo, X Irigoien, B Úbeda, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (28), 10239-10244, 2014
Large mesopelagic fishes biomass and trophic efficiency in the open ocean
X Irigoien, TA Klevjer, A Røstad, U Martinez, G Boyra, JL Acuña, A Bode, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3271, 2014
The transition zone of the Canary Current upwelling region
ED Barton, J Arıstegui, P Tett, M Cantón, J Garcıa-Braun, ...
Progress in Oceanography 41 (4), 455-504, 1998
Sub-regional ecosystem variability in the Canary Current upwelling
J Arístegui, ED Barton, XA Álvarez-Salgado, AMP Santos, FG Figueiras, ...
Progress in Oceanography 83 (1-4), 33-48, 2009
The influence of island-generated eddies on chlorophyll distribution: a study of mesoscale variation around Gran Canaria
J Aristegui, P Tett, A Hernández-Guerra, G Basterretxea, MF Montero, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 44 (1), 71-96, 1997
Mesopelagic zone ecology and biogeochemistry–a synthesis
C Robinson, DK Steinberg, TR Anderson, J Arístegui, CA Carlson, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 57 (16), 1504-1518, 2010
Microzooplankton grazing in the oceans: impacts, data variability, knowledge gaps and future directions
C Schmoker, S Hernández-León, A Calbet
Journal of Plankton Research 35 (4), 691-706, 2013
Island-induced eddies in the Canary Islands
J Arístegui, P Sangra, S Hernández-León, M Cantón, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 41 (10), 1509-1525, 1994
Coupling between the open ocean and the coastal upwelling region off northwest Africa: water recirculation and offshore pumping of organic matter
JL Pelegrí, J Arístegui, L Cana, M González-Dávila, A Hernández-Guerra, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 54 (1), 3-37, 2005
Oceanography and Fisheries of the Canary Current/Iberian region of the Eastern North Atlantic
J Aristegui, XA Alvarez-Salgado, ED Barton, FG Figueiras, ...
Toward a better understanding of fish‐based contribution to ocean carbon flux
GK Saba, AB Burd, JP Dunne, S Hernández‐León, AH Martin, KA Rose, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 66 (5), 1639-1664, 2021
Mesoscale distribution of fish larvae in relation to an upwelling filament off Northwest Africa
JM Rodrıguez, S Hernández-León, ED Barton
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 46 (11), 1969-1984, 1999
Annual cycle of zooplankton biomass, abundance and species composition in the neritic area of the Balearic Sea, Western Mediterranean
MLF de Puelles, D Grás, S Hernández‐León
Marine Ecology 24 (2), 123-139, 2003
A global assessment of mesozooplankton respiration in the ocean
S Hernández-León, T Ikeda
Journal of plankton research 27 (2), 153-158, 2005
Planktonic food web structure and trophic transfer efficiency along a productivity gradient in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean
L Armengol, A Calbet, G Franchy, A Rodríguez-Santos, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 2044, 2019
The submarine volcano eruption at the island of El Hierro: physical-chemical perturbation and biological response
E Fraile-Nuez, M González-Dávila, JM Santana-Casiano, J Arístegui, ...
Scientific reports 2, 2012
Migrant biomass and respiratory carbon flux by zooplankton and micronekton in the subtropical northeast Atlantic Ocean (Canary Islands)
A Ariza, JC Garijo, JM Landeira, F Bordes, S Hernández-León
Progress in Oceanography 134, 330-342, 2015
Mesozooplankton in the Canary Current System: The coastal–ocean transition zone
S Hernández-León, M Gómez, J Arístegui
Progress in Oceanography 74 (2), 397-421, 2007
Accumulation of mesozooplankton in a wake area as a causative mechanism of the “island-mass effect”
S Hernández-León
Marine Biology 109 (1), 141-147, 1991
Krill as a central node for iron cycling in the Southern Ocean
A Tovar‐Sanchez, CM Duarte, S Hernández‐León, SA Sañudo‐Wilhelmy
Geophysical research letters 34 (11), 2007
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Articles 1–20