Ian D. Morris
Cited by
Cited by
An explicit counterexample to the Lagarias–Wang finiteness conjecture
KG Hare, ID Morris, N Sidorov, J Theys
Advances in Mathematics 226 (6), 4667-4701, 2011
Mather sets for sequences of matrices and applications to the study of joint spectral radii
ID Morris
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 107 (1), 121-150, 2013
A rapidly-converging lower bound for the joint spectral radius via multiplicative ergodic theory
ID Morris
Advances in Mathematics 225 (6), 3425-3445, 2010
Continuity properties of the lower spectral radius
J Bochi, ID Morris
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 110 (2), 477-509, 2015
On equality of Hausdorff and affinity dimensions, via self-affine measures on positive subsystems
I Morris, P Shmerkin
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 371 (3), 1547-1582, 2019
The generalised Berger–Wang formula and the spectral radius of linear cocycles
ID Morris
Journal of Functional Analysis 262 (3), 811-824, 2012
Ergodic optimization for generic continuous functions
ID Morris
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst 27 (1), 383-388, 2010
Maximizing measures of generic Hölder functions have zero entropy
ID Morris
Nonlinearity 21 (5), 993, 2008
A sufficient condition for the subordination principle in ergodic optimization
ID Morris
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 39 (2), 214-220, 2007
Entropy for zero-temperature limits of Gibbs-equilibrium states for countable-alphabet subshifts of finite type
ID Morris
Journal of Statistical Physics 126, 315-324, 2007
Domination, almost additivity, and thermodynamic formalism for planar matrix cocycles
B Bárány, A Käenmäki, ID Morris
Israel Journal of Mathematics 239, 173-214, 2020
Ergodic properties of matrix equilibrium states
ID Morris
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 38 (6), 2295-2320, 2018
An inequality for the matrix pressure function and applications
ID Morris
Advances in Mathematics 302, 280-308, 2016
Equilibrium states of generalised singular value potentials and applications to affine iterated function systems
J Bochi, ID Morris
Geometric And Functional Analysis 28 (4), 995-1028, 2018
Lyapunov optimizing measures for C1 expanding maps of the circle
O Jenkinson, ID Morris
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 28 (6), 1849-1860, 2008
Structure of equilibrium states on self‐affine sets and strict monotonicity of affinity dimension
A Käenmäki, ID Morris
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 116 (4), 929-956, 2018
Criteria for the stability of the finiteness property and for the uniqueness of Barabanov norms
ID Morris
Linear algebra and its applications 433 (7), 1301-1311, 2010
On a devil’s staircase associated to the joint spectral radii of a family of pairs of matrices
ID Morris, N Sidorov
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 15 (5), 1747-1782, 2013
The Mañé–Conze–Guivarc’h lemma for intermittent maps of the circle
ID Morris
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 29 (5), 1603-1611, 2009
Effective estimates on the top Lyapunov exponents for random matrix products
N Jurga, I Morris
Nonlinearity 32 (11), 4117, 2019
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Articles 1–20