Cara Brand
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Cited by
Molecular evolution at a meiosis gene mediates species differences in the rate and patterning of recombination
CL Brand, MV Cattani, SB Kingan, EL Landeen, DC Presgraves
Current Biology 28 (8), 1289-1295. e4, 2018
A Selective Sweep across Species Boundaries in Drosophila
CL Brand, SB Kingan, L Wu, D Garrigan
Molecular biology and evolution 30 (9), 2177-2186, 2013
Origin, evolution, and population genetics of the selfish Segregation Distorter gene duplication in European and African populations of Drosophila melanogaster
CL Brand, AM Larracuente, DC Presgraves
Evolution 69 (5), 1271-1283, 2015
Meiotic drive impacts expression and evolution of X-linked genes in stalk-eyed flies
JA Reinhardt, CL Brand, KA Paczolt, PM Johns, RH Baker, GS Wilkinson
PLoS Genetics 10 (5), e1004362, 2014
Rapid evolution of asymmetric reproductive incompatibilities in stalk-eyed flies
EG Rose, CL Brand, GS Wilkinson
Evolution 68 (2), 384-396, 2014
Epistatic selection on a selfish Segregation Distorter supergene–drive, recombination, and genetic load
B Navarro-Dominguez, CH Chang, CL Brand, CA Muirhead, ...
Elife 11, e78981, 2022
Reduced polymorphism associated with X chromosome meiotic drive in the stalk-eyed fly Teleopsis dalmanni
SJ Christianson, CL Brand, GS Wilkinson
PLoS One 6 (11), e27254, 2011
Functional diversification of chromatin on rapid evolutionary timescales
CL Brand, MT Levine
Annual review of genetics 55 (1), 401-425, 2021
Haldane’s rule is linked to extraordinary sex ratios and sperm length in stalk-eyed flies
GS Wilkinson, SJ Christianson, CL Brand, G Ru, W Shell
Genetics 198 (3), 1167-1181, 2014
Cross-species incompatibility between a DNA satellite and the Drosophila Spartan homolog poisons germline genome integrity
CL Brand, MT Levine
Current Biology 32 (13), 2962-2971. e4, 2022
Positive Selection and Functional Divergence at Meiosis Genes That Mediate Crossing Over Across the Drosophila Phylogeny
CL Brand, L Wright, DC Presgraves
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 9 (10), 3201-3211, 2019
Evolution: on the origin of symmetry, synapsis, and species
CL Brand, DC Presgraves
Current Biology 26 (8), R325-R328, 2016
Recurrent duplication and diversification of a vital DNA repair gene family across Drosophila
CL Brand, GT Oliver, IZ Farkas, M Buszczak, MT Levine
Molecular biology and evolution 41 (6), msae113, 2024
The Evolutionary Genetics of Recombination and Segregation in Drosophila
CL Brand
University of Rochester, 2018
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Articles 1–14