Edel O'Hagan
Edel O'Hagan
Post doctoral Fellow in Digital health, Westmead Applied Research Centre, University of Sydney
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Cited by
What do patients value learning about pain? A mixed-methods survey on the relevance of target concepts after pain science education
HB Leake, GL Moseley, TR Stanton, ET O'Hagan, LC Heathcote
Pain 162 (10), 2558-2568, 2021
Pharmacological treatments for low back pain in adults: an overview of Cochrane Reviews
AG Cashin, BM Wand, NE O'Connell, H Lee, RRN Rizzo, MK Bagg, ...
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2023
Effect of graded sensorimotor retraining on pain intensity in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized clinical trial
MK Bagg, BM Wand, AG Cashin, H Lee, M Hübscher, TR Stanton, ...
Jama 328 (5), 430-439, 2022
Reassurance for patients with non-specific conditions–a user's guide
AC Traeger, ET O’Hagan, A Cashin, JH McAuley
Brazilian journal of physical therapy 21 (1), 1-6, 2017
A systematic review highlights the need to improve the quality and applicability of trials of physical therapy interventions for low back pain
AG Cashin, H Lee, MK Bagg, E O'Hagan, AC Traeger, SJ Kamper, T Folly, ...
Journal of clinical epidemiology 126, 106-115, 2020
What do people post on social media relative to low back pain? A content analysis of Australian data
ET O'Hagan, AC Traeger, S Bunzli, HB Leake, SM Schabrun, BM Wand, ...
Musculoskeletal Science and Practice 54, 102402, 2021
What messages predict intention to self-manage low back pain? A study of attitudes towards patient education
ET O'Hagan, F Di Pietro, AC Traeger, AG Cashin, PW Hodges, BM Wand, ...
Pain 163 (8), 1489-1496, 2022
Zolpidem reduces pain intensity postoperatively: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of hypnotic medicines on post-operative pain intensity
ET O’Hagan, M Hübscher, CB Miller, CJ Gordon, S Gustin, N Briggs, ...
Systematic reviews 9, 1-18, 2020
Does disordered sleep moderate the relationship between pain, disability and downstream health care utilization in patients with low back pain?: a longitudinal cohort from the …
DI Rhon, E O’Hagan, V Mysliwiec, TA Lentz
Spine 44 (21), 1481-1491, 2019
The RESOLVE Trial for people with chronic low back pain: protocol for a randomised clinical trial
MK Bagg, M Hübscher, M Rabey, BM Wand, E O’Hagan, GL Moseley, ...
Journal of physiotherapy 63 (1), 47-48, 2017
“My Back is Fit for Movement”: a qualitative study alongside a randomized controlled trial for chronic low back pain
RRN Rizzo, BM Wand, HB Leake, ET O'Hagan, MK Bagg, S Bunzli, ...
The Journal of Pain 24 (5), 824-839, 2023
Systematic reviews that include only published data may overestimate the effectiveness of analgesic medicines for low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis
MK Bagg, E O'Hagan, P Zahara, BM Wand, M Hübscher, GL Moseley, ...
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 124, 149-159, 2020
Person-centred education and advice for people with low back pain: making the best of what we know
ET O'Hagan, AG Cashin, AC Traeger, JH McAuley
Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy 27 (1), 100478, 2023
Mechanisms of education and graded sensorimotor retraining in people with chronic low back pain: a mediation analysis
AG Cashin, H Lee, BM Wand, MK Bagg, ET O'Hagan, RRN Rizzo, ...
Pain 164 (12), 2792-2800, 2023
The potential for a chat-based artificial intelligence model to facilitate educational messaging on hypertension
E O’Hagan, D McIntyre, L Laranjo
Hypertension 80 (8), e128-e130, 2023
Non‐pharmacological and non‐surgical treatments for low back pain in adults: an overview of Cochrane Reviews
CBN Group, AG Cashin, RRN Rizzo, BM Wand, NE O'Connell, H Lee, ...
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2021 (8), 2021
Analgesic medicines for adults with low back pain: protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis
MA Wewege, MK Bagg, MD Jones, JH McAuley, ...
Systematic Reviews 9, 1-10, 2020
Hypertension therapy using fixed-dose polypills that contain at least three medications
E T O'Hagan, D McIntyre, T Nguyen, CK Chow
Heart 109 (17), 1273-1280, 2023
Development and measurement properties of the AxEL (attitude toward education and advice for low-back-pain) questionnaire
ET O’Hagan, IW Skinner, MD Jones, EL Karran, AC Traeger, AG Cashin, ...
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 20, 1-13, 2022
Online information on chronic pain in 3 countries: an assessment of readability, credibility, and accuracy
R Basnet, DR Mendez, I Lugo-González, E O'Hagan, M O'Keeffe, ...
Pain Reports 8 (4), e1078, 2023
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Articles 1–20