Kyle Thomas
Kyle Thomas
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Cited by
Peer influence and delinquency
JM McGloin, KJ Thomas
Annual Review of Criminology 2 (1), 241-264, 2019
A dual‐systems approach for understanding differential susceptibility to processes of peer influence
KJ Thomas, J Marie McGloin
Criminology 51 (2), 435-474, 2013
The causal impact of exposure to deviant peers: An experimental investigation
R Paternoster, JM McGloin, H Nguyen, KJ Thomas
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 50 (4), 476-503, 2013
Incentives for collective deviance: Group size and changes in perceived risk, cost, and reward
JM McGloin, KJ Thomas
Criminology 54 (3), 459-486, 2016
Do individual characteristics explain variation in sanction risk updating among serious juvenile offenders? Advancing the logic of differential deterrence.
KJ Thomas, TA Loughran, AR Piquero
Law and Human Behavior 37 (1), 10, 2013
Peer influence and context: the interdependence of friendship groups, schoolmates and network density in predicting substance use
JM McGloin, CJ Sullivan, KJ Thomas
Journal of youth and adolescence 43, 1436-1452, 2014
Delinquent peer influence on offending versatility: Can peers promote specialized delinquency?
KJ Thomas
Criminology 53 (2), 280-308, 2015
Peers and offender decision‐making
EM Hoeben, KJ Thomas
Criminology & Public Policy 18 (4), 759-784, 2019
Conducted energy device use in municipal policing: Results of a national survey on policy and effectiveness assessments
KJ Thomas, PA Collins, NP Lovrich
Police Quarterly 13 (3), 290-315, 2010
Incentivizing responses to self-report questions in perceptual deterrence studies: An investigation of the validity of deterrence theory using Bayesian truth serum
TA Loughran, R Paternoster, KJ Thomas
Journal of Quantitative Criminology 30, 677-707, 2014
Testing a rational choice model of “desistance:” Decomposing changing expectations and changing utilities
KJ Thomas, M Vogel
Criminology 57 (4), 687-714, 2019
Testing the transitivity of reported risk perceptions: Evidence of coherent arbitrariness
KJ Thomas, BC Hamilton, TA Loughran
Criminology 56 (1), 59-86, 2018
Perceived arrest risk, psychic rewards, and offense specialization: A partial test of rational choice theory
KJ Thomas, TA Loughran, BC Hamilton
Criminology 58 (3), 485-509, 2020
Structural predictors of choice: Testing a multilevel rational choice theory of crime
KJ Thomas, EP Baumer, TA Loughran
Criminology 60 (4), 606-636, 2022
Considering the elements that inform perceived peer deviance
JM McGloin, KJ Thomas
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 53 (5), 597-627, 2016
Trends in police research: a cross‐sectional analysis of the 2000–2007 literature
D Mazeika, B Bartholomew, M Distler, K Thomas, S Greenman, S Pratt
Police Practice and Research: An International Journal 11 (6), 520-547, 2010
Rationalizing delinquency: Understanding the person-situation interaction through item response theory
KJ Thomas
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 56 (1), 3-41, 2019
Revisiting delinquent attitudes: Measurement, dimensionality and behavioral effects
KJ Thomas
Journal of Quantitative Criminology 34, 313-341, 2018
On the relationship between peer isolation and offending specialization: The role of peers in promoting versatile offending
KJ Thomas
Crime & Delinquency 62 (1), 26-53, 2016
Status gains versus status losses: Loss aversion and deviance
KJ Thomas, H Nguyen
Justice Quarterly 39 (4), 871-896, 2022
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