Luidi Gelabert Simonetti
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Cited by
Modeling hop-constrained and diameter-constrained minimum spanning tree problems as Steiner tree problems over layered graphs
L Gouveia, L Simonetti, E Uchoa
Mathematical Programming 128, 123-148, 2011
Bilevel optimization applied to strategic pricing in competitive electricity markets
M Fampa, LA Barroso, D Candal, L Simonetti
Computational Optimization and Applications 39, 121-142, 2008
Hybrid heuristics for a short sea inventory routing problem
A Agra, M Christiansen, A Delgado, L Simonetti
European Journal of Operational Research 236 (3), 924-935, 2014
Benders decomposition, branch-and-cut, and hybrid algorithms for the minimum connected dominating set problem
B Gendron, A Lucena, AS da Cunha, L Simonetti
INFORMS Journal on Computing 26 (4), 645-657, 2014
Reformulations and solution algorithms for the maximum leaf spanning tree problem
A Lucena, N Maculan, L Simonetti
Computational Management Science 7 (3), 289-311, 2010
The minimum connected dominating set problem: Formulation, valid inequalities and a branch-and-cut algorithm
L Simonetti, A Salles da Cunha, A Lucena
International conference on network optimization, 162-169, 2011
A hybrid heuristic based on iterated local search for multivehicle inventory routing problem
E Santos, LS Ochi, L Simonetti, PH González
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 52, 197-204, 2016
New approaches for the traffic counting location problem
PH González, G Clímaco, GR Mauri, BS Vieira, GM Ribeiro, ...
Expert systems with applications 132, 189-198, 2019
On solving manufacturing cell formation via bicluster editing
RGS Pinheiro, IC Martins, F Protti, LS Ochi, LG Simonetti, A Subramanian
European Journal of Operational Research 254 (3), 769-779, 2016
Hop‐level flow formulation for the survivable network design with hop constraints problem
AR Mahjoub, L Simonetti, E Uchoa
Networks 61 (2), 171-179, 2013
The ring-star problem: a new integer programming formulation and a branch-and-cut algorithm
L Simonetti, Y Frota, CC de Souza
Discrete applied mathematics 159 (16), 1901-1914, 2011
Optimizing the petroleum supply chain at Petrobras
M Aires, A Lucena, R Rocha, C Santiago, L Simonetti
Computer aided chemical engineering 18, 871-876, 2004
A variable fixing heuristic with local branching for the fixed charge uncapacitated network design problem with user-optimal flow
PH Gonzalez, L Simonetti, P Michelon, C Martinhon, E Santos
Computers & Operations Research 76, 134-146, 2016
Modelling the hop-constrained minimum spanning tree problem over a layered graph
L Gouveia, L Simonetti, E Uchoa
International Network Optimization Conference, 2007
A new formulation for the safe set problem on graphs
AFU Macambira, L Simonetti, H Barbalho, PH Gonzalez, N Maculan
Computers & Operations Research 111, 346-356, 2019
Lagrangian heuristics for the quadratic knapsack problem
JO Cunha, L Simonetti, A Lucena
Computational Optimization and Applications 63, 97-120, 2016
A provenance-based heuristic for preserving results confidentiality in cloud-based scientific workflows
M Guerine, MB Stockinger, I Rosseti, LG Simonetti, KACS Ocaña, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 97, 697-713, 2019
A branch-and-cut and MIP-based heuristics for the prize-collecting travelling salesman problem
G Clímaco, L Simonetti, I Rosseti
RAIRO-Operations Research 55, S719-S726, 2021
Formulations and Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the K-rooted Mini-Max Spanning Forest Problem
A Salles da Cunha, L Simonetti, A Lucena
International Conference on Network Optimization, 43-50, 2011
An Exact Method for the Minimum Caterpillar Spanning Problem.
L Simonetti, Y Frota, CC de Souza
CTW, 48-51, 2009
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Articles 1–20