Samuel Rufat
Samuel Rufat
Professor of Geography, Ecole Polytechnique, ParisTech, CREST
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Cited by
Social vulnerability to floods: Review of case studies and implications for measurement
S Rufat, E Tate, CG Burton, AS Maroof
International journal of disaster risk reduction 14, 470-486, 2015
What resilience is not: uses and abuses
M Reghezza-Zitt, S Rufat, G Djament-Tran, A Le Blanc, S Lhomme
Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography, 2012
How valid are social vulnerability models?
S Rufat, E Tate, CT Emrich, F Antolini
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 109 (4), 1131-1153, 2019
Social vulnerability: Conceptual Foundations and Geospatial Modeling
C Burton, S Rufat, E Tate
Vulnerability and resilience to natural hazards 53, 2018
Risk perception of climate change and natural hazards in global mountain regions: A critical review
S Schneiderbauer, PF Pisa, JL Delves, L Pedoth, S Rufat, M Erschbamer, ...
Science of the total environment 784, 146957, 2021
Identifying barriers for nature-based solutions in flood risk management: An interdisciplinary overview using expert community approach
P Raška, N Bezak, CSS Ferreira, Z Kalantari, K Banasik, M Bertola, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 310, 114725, 2022
Urban Geographies of Hesitant Transition: Tracing Socioeconomic Segregation in Post‐Ceauşescu Bucharest
S Marcińczak, M Gentile, S Rufat, L Chelcea
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 38 (4), 1399-1417, 2014
Les jeux vidéo comme objet de recherche
S Rufat, H Ter Minassian
Questions théoriques, 2011
Spectroscopy of urban vulnerability
S Rufat
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 103 (3), 505-525, 2013
Résiliences. Sociétés et territoires face à l’incertitude, aux risques et aux catastrophes
M Reghezza-Zitt, S Rufat
ISTE Editions / Hermes Science Publishing, 2015
Swimming alone? Why linking flood risk perception and behavior requires more than “it's the individual, stupid”
S Rufat, A Fekete, I Armaş, T Hartmann, C Kuhlicke, T Prior, T Thaler, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 7 (5), e1462, 2020
Resilience Imperative. Uncertainty, Risks and Disasters
M Reghezza-Zitt, S Rufat
Elsevier, 2015
Et si les jeux vidéo servaient à comprendre la géographie?
H Ter Minassian, S Rufat
Cybergeo: European journal of geography, 2008
Ce que la résilience n'est pas, ce qu'on veut lui faire dire
G Djament-Tran, A Le Blanc, S Lhomme, S Rufat, M Reghezza-Zitt
Spinning in circles? A systematic review on the role of theory in social vulnerability, resilience and adaptation research
C Kuhlicke, MM de Brito, B Bartkowski, W Botzen, C Doğulu, S Han, ...
Global Environmental Change 80, 102672, 2023
Drivers and dimensions of flood risk perceptions: Revealing an implicit selection bias and lessons for communication policies
S Rufat, WJW Botzen
Global Environmental Change 73, 102465, 2022
Existe-t-il une" mauvaise" résilience?
S Rufat
Résiliences urbaines. Les villes face aux catastrophes, 157-202, 2010
Cartes sur table, cartes sur écrans
JB Fretigny, D Masson, S Rufat
Opérations cartographiques, 184-193, 2017
Critique de la résilience pure
S Rufat
Jouer aux jeux vidéo en France. Géographie sociale d'une pratique culturelle
S Rufat, H Ter Minassian, S Coavoux
L'Espace Géographique 2014 (4), 308-323, 2014
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Articles 1–20