Ruichao Ye
Ruichao Ye
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Cited by
A discontinuous Galerkin method with a modified penalty flux for the propagation and scattering of acousto-elastic waves
R Ye, MV de Hoop, CL Petrovitch, LJ Pyrak-Nolte, LC Wilcox
Geophysical Journal International 205 (2), 1267-1289, 2016
A nodal discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for the poroelastic wave equation
K Shukla, JS Hesthaven, JM Carcione, R Ye, J de la Puente, P Jaiswal
Computational Geosciences 23, 595-615, 2019
Multi-channel convolutional neural network workflow for automatic salt interpretation
R Ye, YH Cha, T Dickens, T Vdovina, C MacDonald, H Denli, W Liu, ...
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, D043S136R007, 2019
A multi-rate iterative coupling scheme for simulating dynamic ruptures and seismic waves generation in the prestressed earth
R Ye, K Kumar, MV de Hoop, M Campillo
Journal of Computational Physics 405, 109098, 2020
Analysis of dynamic ruptures generating seismic waves in a self-gravitating planet: an iterative coupling scheme and well-posedness
MV de Hoop, K Kumar, R Ye
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.08607, 2019
Full-waveform inversion with 3D-shape optimization on unstructured meshes
J Shi, R Ye, M de Hoop
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2017-17790720, 2017
A 3D Discontinuous galerkin method for the propagation and scattering of acousto-elastic waves
R Ye, MV de Hoop
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2014, 3329-3333, 2014
Deep-learning application of salt geometry detection in deep water Brazil
R Ye, A Baumstein, KA Wagenvelt, ER Neumann
Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, 1669-1673, 2022
3D shape optimization based on unstructured triangle/tetrahedral mesh deformation
R Ye, MV Hoop
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2015, 1351-1355, 2015
A discontinuous Galerkin method with a modified penalty flux for broadband Biot's equation
K Shukla, P Jaiswal, M de Hoop, R Ye
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2017-17796233, 2017
A novel scheme of DG method for the anisotropic elastic wave equation with applications in FWI on unstructured meshes
R Ye, MV de Hoop
76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2014 2014 (1), 1-5, 2014
Iterative reconstruction of piecewise smooth wavespeeds using a criterion derived from the scattering relation
R Ye, MV de Hoop
Proceedings of the Project Review, Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group, Purdue …, 2013
The impacts of material and geometrical heterogeneities on the simulation of rate and state dependent ruptures
R Ye, MV de Hoop, K Kumar, M Campillo
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2018-2997171, 2018
Discontinuous Galerkin Method with a Modified Penalty Flux for the Modeling of Acousto-Elastic Waves, Coupled to Rupture Dynamics, in a Self Gravitating Earth
R Ye
Rice University, 2018
A penalty-based nodal discontinuous Galerkin method for spontaneous rupture dynamics
R Ye, MV De Hoop, K Kumar
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, S41F-01, 2017
A multirate iterative-coupling approach for seismicity interacting with friction
R Ye, M de Hoop, K Kumar
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2017, 4050-4056, 2017
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Articles 1–16