Przemysław Kłosiewicz
Cited by
Cited by
Improving the arithmetic intensity of multigrid with the help of polynomial smoothers
P Ghysels, P Kłosiewicz, W Vanroose
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 19 (2), 253-267, 2012
Virtual plant tissue: building blocks for next-generation plant growth simulation
D De Vos, A Dzhurakhalov, S Stijven, P Klosiewicz, GTS Beemster, ...
Frontiers in plant science 8, 686, 2017
Using pseudo-arclength continuation to trace the resonances of the Schrödinger equation
P Kłosiewicz, J Broeckhove, W Vanroose
Computer Physics Communications 180 (4), 545-548, 2009
Applying numerical continuation to the parameter dependence of solutions of the Schrödinger equation
J Broeckhove, P Kłosiewicz, W Vanroose
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 234 (4), 1238-1248, 2010
Digital image correlation for full-field high resolution assessment of leaf growth
A Campo, P Klosiewicz, J Dirckx
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 34, 433-439, 2015
Solving general auxin transport models with a numerical continuation toolbox in Python: PyNCT
D Draelants, P Kłosiewicz, J Broeckhove, W Vanroose
Hybrid Systems Biology: Fourth International Workshop, HSB 2015, Madrid …, 2015
A short note on point singularities for robot manipulators
R Penne, E Smet, P Klosiewicz
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 62, 205-216, 2011
Numerical continuation of bound and resonant states of the two-channel Schrödinger equation
P Kłosiewicz, W Vanroose, J Broeckhove
Physical Review A 85 (1), 012709, 2012
Tracing the parameter dependence of quantum resonances with numerical continuation
W Vanroose, J Broeckhove, P Kłosiewicz
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 42 (4), 044002, 2009
Numerical Analysis of Steady State Patterns in Cell-Based Auxin Transport Models
D Draelants, P Klosiewicz, J Broeckhove, GTS Beemster, W Vanroose
Biomath Communications, 2013
Numerical continuation of bound and resonant states of the two-channel Schroedinger equation
P Klosiewicz, W Vanroose, J Broeckhove
Physical Review A(Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics) 85 (1), 2012
The Application of Numerical Continuation to Track Quantum Mechanical Resonances and Bound States: Proefschrift
P Kłosiewicz
Universiteit Antwerpen, Faculteit Wetenschappen, Departement Wiskunde …, 2011
Numerical Continuation of resonances and bound states in coupled channel Schr\
P Kłosiewicz, J Broeckhove, W Vanroose
arXiv preprint arXiv:1012.0131, 2010
Wiskunde voor Exascale Computing
W Vanroose, P Ghysels, P Klosiewicz, B Reps, W van Aarle, KM KUL, ...
Numerical Continuation using Pseudo Arc-length: Application to Quantum Resonance States
P Klosiewicz
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Articles 1–15