Lucy Bowes
Lucy Bowes
Professor of Developmental Psychopathology, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of
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Bullying victimization in youths and mental health problems:‘Much ado about nothing’?
L Arseneault, L Bowes, S Shakoor
Psychological medicine 40 (5), 717-729, 2010
Families promote emotional and behavioural resilience to bullying: evidence of an environmental effect
L Bowes, B Maughan, A Caspi, TE Moffitt, L Arseneault
Journal of child psychology and psychiatry 51 (7), 809-817, 2010
School, neighborhood, and family factors are associated with children's bullying involvement: A nationally representative longitudinal study
L Bowes, L Arseneault, B Maughan, A Taylor, A Caspi, TE Moffitt
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 48 (5), 545-553, 2009
Collaborative meta-analysis finds no evidence of a strong interaction between stress and 5-HTTLPR genotype contributing to the development of depression
RC Culverhouse, NL Saccone, AC Horton, Y Ma, KJ Anstey, ...
Molecular psychiatry 23 (1), 133-142, 2018
Blunted cortisol responses to stress signal social and behavioral problems among maltreated/bullied 12-year-old children
I Ouellet-Morin, CL Odgers, A Danese, L Bowes, S Shakoor, ...
Biological psychiatry 70 (11), 1016-1023, 2011
Tobacco, alcohol, cannabis and other illegal drug use among young adults: the socioeconomic context
B Redonnet, A Chollet, E Fombonne, L Bowes, M Melchior
Drug and alcohol dependence 121 (3), 231-239, 2012
Lack of association of the COMT (Val158/108 Met) gene and schizophrenia: a meta-analysis of case–control studies
MR Munafo, L Bowes, TG Clark, J Flint
Molecular psychiatry 10 (8), 765-770, 2005
Peer victimisation during adolescence and its impact on depression in early adulthood: prospective cohort study in the United Kingdom
L Bowes, C Joinson, D Wolke, G Lewis
bmj 350, 2015
Peer victimization during adolescence and risk for anxiety disorders in adulthood: a prospective cohort study
LA Stapinski, L Bowes, D Wolke, RM Pearson, L Mahedy, KS Button, ...
Depression and anxiety 31 (7), 574-582, 2014
Methylation of all BRCA1 copies predicts response to the PARP inhibitor rucaparib in ovarian carcinoma
O Kondrashova, M Topp, K Nesic, E Lieschke, GY Ho, MI Harrell, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3970, 2018
Safe, stable, nurturing relationships break the intergenerational cycle of abuse: A prospective nationally representative cohort of children in the United Kingdom
SR Jaffee, L Bowes, I Ouellet-Morin, HL Fisher, TE Moffitt, MT Merrick, ...
Journal of Adolescent Health 53 (4), S4-S10, 2013
Chronic bullying victimization across school transitions: The role of genetic and environmental influences
L Bowes, B Maughan, H Ball, S Shakoor, I Ouellet-Morin, A Caspi, ...
Development and psychopathology 25 (2), 333-346, 2013
A prospective longitudinal study of children’s theory of mind and adolescent involvement in bullying
S Shakoor, SR Jaffee, L Bowes, I Ouellet‐Morin, P Andreou, F Happé, ...
Journal of child psychology and psychiatry 53 (3), 254-261, 2012
Protective factors interrupting the continuity from school bullying to later internalizing and externalizing problems: A systematic review of prospective longitudinal studies
MM Ttofi, L Bowes, DP Farrington, F Lösel
Journal of School Violence 13 (1), 5-38, 2014
Sibling bullying and risk of depression, anxiety, and self-harm: A prospective cohort study
L Bowes, D Wolke, C Joinson, ST Lereya, G Lewis
Pediatrics 134 (4), e1032-e1039, 2014
A discordant monozygotic twin design shows blunted cortisol reactivity among bullied children
I Ouellet-Morin, A Danese, L Bowes, S Shakoor, A Ambler, CM Pariante, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 50 (6), 574 …, 2011
Risk and protective factors for bullying victimization among AIDS-affected and vulnerable children in South Africa
L Cluver, L Bowes, F Gardner
Child abuse & neglect 34 (10), 793-803, 2010
Biology, genes, and resilience: toward a multidisciplinary approach
L Bowes, SR Jaffee
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 14 (3), 195-208, 2013
Pathways linking war and displacement to parenting and child adjustment: A qualitative study with Syrian refugees in Lebanon
A Sim, M Fazel, L Bowes, F Gardner
Social Science & Medicine 200, 19-26, 2018
Cyberbullying and adolescent well-being in England: a population-based cross-sectional study
AK Przybylski, L Bowes
The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health 1 (1), 19-26, 2017
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Articles 1–20