Yoshikazu Isomura
Yoshikazu Isomura
Institute of Science Tokyo (former Tokyo Medical and Dental University)
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Entrainment of neocortical neurons and gamma oscillations by the hippocampal theta rhythm
A Sirota, S Montgomery, S Fujisawa, Y Isomura, M Zugaro, G Buzsáki
Neuron 60 (4), 683-697, 2008
Integration and segregation of activity in entorhinal-hippocampal subregions by neocortical slow oscillations
Y Isomura, A Sirota, S Özen, S Montgomery, K Mizuseki, DA Henze, ...
Neuron 52 (5), 871-882, 2006
Microcircuitry coordination of cortical motor information in self-initiation of voluntary movements
Y Isomura, R Harukuni, T Takekawa, H Aizawa, T Fukai
Nature neuroscience 12 (12), 1586-1593, 2009
Direct recording of theta oscillations in primate prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortices
T Tsujimoto, H Shimazu, Y Isomura
Journal of neurophysiology 95 (5), 2987-3000, 2006
Two distinct layer-specific dynamics of cortical ensembles during learning of a motor task
Y Masamizu, YR Tanaka, YH Tanaka, R Hira, F Ohkubo, K Kitamura, ...
Nature neuroscience 17 (7), 987-994, 2014
Monitoring and updating of action selection for goal-directed behavior through the striatal direct and indirect pathways
S Nonomura, K Nishizawa, Y Sakai, Y Kawaguchi, S Kato, ...
Neuron 99 (6), 1302-1314. e5, 2018
Reward-modulated motor information in identified striatum neurons
Y Isomura, T Takekawa, R Harukuni, T Handa, H Aizawa, M Takada, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (25), 10209-10220, 2013
Accurate spike sorting for multi‐unit recordings
T Takekawa, Y Isomura, T Fukai
European Journal of Neuroscience 31 (2), 263-272, 2010
Glial dysfunction in the mouse habenula causes depressive-like behaviors and sleep disturbance
W Cui, H Mizukami, M Yanagisawa, T Aida, M Nomura, Y Isomura, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (49), 16273-16285, 2014
Excitatory GABA input directly drives seizure-like rhythmic synchronization in mature hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells
Y Fujiwara-Tsukamoto, Y Isomura, A Nambu, M Takada
Neuroscience 119 (1), 265-275, 2003
Neural coding of “attention for action” and “response selection” in primate anterior cingulate cortex
Y Isomura, Y Ito, T Akazawa, A Nambu, M Takada
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (22), 8002-8012, 2003
Synaptically Activated Cl Accumulation Responsible for Depolarizing GABAergic Responses in Mature Hippocampal Neurons
Y Isomura, M Sugimoto, Y Fujiwara-Tsukamoto, S Yamamoto-Muraki, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 90 (4), 2752-2756, 2003
Spatiotemporal dynamics of functional clusters of neurons in the mouse motor cortex during a voluntary movement
R Hira, F Ohkubo, K Ozawa, Y Isomura, K Kitamura, M Kano, H Kasai, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (4), 1377-1390, 2013
Similarity in neuronal firing regimes across mammalian species
Y Mochizuki, T Onaga, H Shimazaki, T Shimokawa, Y Tsubo, R Kimura, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (21), 5736-5747, 2016
Prototypic seizure activity driven by mature hippocampal fast-spiking interneurons
Y Fujiwara-Tsukamoto, Y Isomura, M Imanishi, T Ninomiya, M Tsukada, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (41), 13679-13689, 2010
A θ–γ oscillation code for neuronal coordination during motor behavior
J Igarashi, Y Isomura, K Arai, R Harukuni, T Fukai
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (47), 18515-18530, 2013
The synchronous activity of lateral habenular neurons is essential for regulating hippocampal theta oscillation
H Aizawa, S Yanagihara, M Kobayashi, K Niisato, T Takekawa, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (20), 8909-8921, 2013
Theta oscillations in primate prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortices in forewarned reaction time tasks
T Tsujimoto, H Shimazu, Y Isomura, K Sasaki
Journal of neurophysiology 103 (2), 827-843, 2010
Spike sorting of heterogeneous neuron types by multimodality-weighted PCA and explicit robust variational Bayes
T Takekawa, Y Isomura, T Fukai
Frontiers in neuroinformatics 6, 5, 2012
Synaptic interactions between pyramidal cells and interneurone subtypes during seizure‐like activity in the rat hippocampus
Y Fujiwara‐Tsukamoto, Y Isomura, K Kaneda, M Takada
The Journal of Physiology 557 (3), 961-979, 2004
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Articles 1–20