Articles with public access mandates - Harald FrostelLearn more
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Learning audio–sheet music correspondences for cross-modal retrieval and piece identification
M Dorfer, J Hajič Jr, A Arzt, H Frostel, G Widmer
Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval 1 (1), 2018
Mandates: European Commission
Artificial Intelligence in the Concertgebouw.
A Arzt, H Frostel, T Gadermaier, M Gasser, M Grachten, G Widmer
IJCAI, 2424-2430, 2015
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
The complete classical music companion v0. 9
A Arzt, S Böck, S Flossmann, H Frostel, M Gasser, G Widmer
Proceedings of the AES International Conference on Semantic Audio, London …, 2014
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
The vowel worm: Real-time mapping and visualisation of sung vowels in music
H Frostel, A Arzt, G Widmer
Proceedings of the 8th Sound and Music Computing Conference, 214-219, 2011
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
Towards a complete classical music companion
A Arzt, G Widmer, S Böck, R Sonnleitner, H Frostel
ECAI 2012, 67-72, 2012
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
The piano music companion
A Arzt, S Böck, S Flossmann, H Frostel, M Gasser, C Liem, G Widmer
ECAI 2014, 1221-1222, 2014
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
Music Visualisation and Its Short-Term Effect on Appraisal Skills
A Nikrang, M Grachten, M Gasser, H Frostel, G Widmer, T Collins
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 112-130, 2023
Mandates: European Commission
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