Ahmad Al Maofari
Ahmad Al Maofari
Other namesAhmaed Al Maofari, Ahmad Almaofari, احمد الموفري
Associate Professor
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Cited by
Contribution to the corrosion inhibition of aluminum in 1 M HCl by Pimpinella Anisum extract. Experimental and theoretical studies (DFT, MC, and MD)
Z Akounach, A Al Maofari, M Damej, S El Hajjaji, A Berisha, V Mehmeti, ...
Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib. 11 (1), 402-424, 2022
Inhibitive action of 3, 4'-bi-1, 2, 4-Triazole on the corrosion of copper in NaCl 3% solution
A Al Maofari, G Ezznaydy, Y Idouli, F Guédira, S Zaydoun, N Labjar, S El
J. Mater. Environ. Sci 5 (1), 2081, 2014
Chemical composition and antibacterial properties of essential oils of Pimpinella Anisum L. growing in Morocco and Yemen
A Al Maofari, S El Hajjaji, A Debbab, S Zaydoun, B Ouaki, R Charof, ...
Scientific Study & Research. Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology …, 2013
Study of jojoba vegetable oil as inhibitor of carbon steel C38 corrosion in different acidic media
G Aziate, A El Yadini, H Saufi, A Almaofari, A Benhmama, H Harhar, ...
vol 6, 1877-1884, 2015
Inhibition of Mild Steel Corrosion in 1.0 M HCl by Water, Hexane and Ethanol Extracts of Pimpinella Anisum Plant
Z Akounach, A Al Maofari, A El Yadini, S Douche, M Benmessaoud, ...
Evaluation of vegetable oil of nigel as corrosion inhibitor for iron in NaCl 3% medium
H Saufi, A Al Maofari, A El Yadini, L Eddaif, H Harhar, S Gharby, ...
J. Mater. Environ. Sci 6 (7), 1845-1849, 2015
Inhibition study of various extracts of tribulus terrestris plant on the corrosion of mild steel in a 1.0 M HCl solution
A Al Maofaria, S Doucha, M Benmessaouda, SEL Hajjaji, M Mosaddak, ...
Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta 39 (1), 21-35, 2021
Evaluation of the hexanoic Anise extract as inhibitor for dental amalgam in synthetic saliva
H Saufi, YN Otaifah, M Kaddi, W Belmaghraoui, AAL Maofari, A El Yadini, ...
J Mater Environ Sci 5 (S1), 2129-2132, 2014
Corrosion inhibition of Cu-30Ni in neutral chloride media polluted by sulphide ions in presence of 2-Mercaptobenzimidazole
M Benmessaoud, A Al Maofari, YN Otaifah, N Labjar, MS Idrissi, D Bartout, ...
J. Mater. Environ. Sci 8 (11), 4057-4067, 2017
Inhibitive action of anise extract on the corrosion of dental amalgam alloy in artificial saliva media
S El Hajjaji
ChEmiCAl TEChNOlOGy 6 (2), 2011
Electrochemical and theoretical (DFT, MC, MD) evaluation of a new compound based on mercaptobenzimidazole against corrosion of Cu–30Ni in a 3% NaCl solution
M Errili, A Al Maofari, K Tassaoui, M Damej, Z Lakbaibi, A Et-Tahir, ...
Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib 12 (2), 458-476, 2023
The chemistry characterization and activity antibacterial of different extracts of anise
AAL Maofari, SEL Hajjaji, S Zaydoun, B Ouaki, R Charof, Z Mennane, ...
Gas 100 (15), 16, 2015
Synthesis of Highly Efficient and Recyclable Bimetallic Cox–Fe1–x–MOF for the Synthesis of Xanthan and Removal of Toxic Pb2+ and Cd2+ Ions
MA Mannaa, MR Mlahi, A Al Maofari, AI Ahmed, SM Hassan
ACS omega 8 (29), 26379-26390, 2023
Chemical Compositions and Antibacterial Activity of Different Extracts of Tribulus terrestris growing in Morocco and Yemen
MMSELH A. Al Maofari, Z. Mennane , A. Hakiki
Der Pharma Chemica 8 (12), 14-18, 2016
Temperature Effect on the Corrosion Behavior of Copper inhibited by3, 4'-bi-1, 2, 4-Triazole in neutral salt-spray (NaCl 3%) Medium
A Al Maofari, F Guedira, M Benmessaoud, B Ouaki, S El Hajjaji
Albaydha University Journal 4 (3), 204-213, 2023
Quantum Chemical and Electrochemical Studies of Water and Ethanol Extracts of Salvadora Persica (Miswak) as a New Green Inhibitor for Dental Amalgam in Artificial Saliva
A Al Maofari, Z Akounach, M Benmessaoud, S El Hajjaji
مجلة جامعة عمران 4 (7), 14-14, 2024
The inhibition of 3H-2-Methyl-1, 2, 4-Triazepino [2, 3-a] Benzimidazole-4 (5h)-one (MTB) on corrosion of mild steel in 1 M HCl solutions; Theoretical and experimental study
A Al Moafari, S Saber, K Al maamar, N Labjer, EM Essassi, S El Hajjaji
Albaydha University Journal 5 (4), 2023
Etude de l’activité inhibitrice de la corrosion des amalgames dentaires et de l’acier par des extraits de plantes médicinales
AH Al Maofari
Université Mohammed V-Agdal, Faculté des Sciences, Rabat, 2012
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Articles 1–18