Articles with public access mandates - Hwee-Pink TanLearn more
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Machine learning in wireless sensor networks: Algorithms, strategies, and applications
MA Alsheikh, S Lin, D Niyato, HP Tan
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 16 (4), 1996-2018, 2014
Mandates: A*Star, Singapore
Mobile big data analytics using deep learning and apache spark
MA Alsheikh, D Niyato, S Lin, HP Tan, Z Han
IEEE network 30 (3), 22-29, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, A*Star, Singapore
Clustering algorithms for maximizing the lifetime of wireless sensor networks with energy-harvesting sensors
P Zhang, G Xiao, HP Tan
Computer Networks 57 (14), 2689-2704, 2013
Mandates: A*Star, Singapore
Crowdsourcing with tullock contests: A new perspective
T Luo, SS Kanhere, HP Tan, F Wu, H Wu
2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2515-2523, 2015
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Incentive mechanism design for heterogeneous crowdsourcing using all-pay contests
T Luo, SS Kanhere, SK Das, HP Tan
IEEE transactions on mobile computing 15 (9), 2234-2246, 2015
Mandates: A*Star, Singapore
Incentive mechanism design for crowdsourcing: An all-pay auction approach
T Luo, SK Das, HP Tan, L Xia
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 7 (3), 1-26, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, A*Star, Singapore
Early detection of mild cognitive impairment with in-home sensors to monitor behavior patterns in community-dwelling senior citizens in Singapore: Cross-sectional feasibility study
I Rawtaer, R Mahendran, EH Kua, HP Tan, HX Tan, TS Lee, TP Ng
Journal of medical Internet research 22 (5), e16854, 2020
Mandates: National Medical Research Council, Singapore
LOS and NLOS classification for underwater acoustic localization
R Diamant, HP Tan, L Lampe
IEEE Transactions on mobile Computing 13 (2), 311-323, 2012
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Measuring and modelling the thermal performance of the Tamar Suspension Bridge using a wireless sensor network
N de Battista, JMW Brownjohn, HP Tan, KY Koo
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 11 (2), 176-193, 2015
Mandates: A*Star, Singapore, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Towards unobtrusive mental well-being monitoring for independent-living elderly
S Huynh, HP Tan, Y Lee
Proceedings of the 4th International on Workshop on Physical Analytics, 1-6, 2017
Mandates: National Research Foundation, Singapore
Perspectives on the 21st Century Urban University from Singapore–A viewpoint forum
JPD Addie, M Acuto, KC Ho, S Cairns, HP Tan
Cities 88, 252-260, 2019
Mandates: European Commission
Optimal performance trade-offs in MAC for wireless sensor networks powered by heterogeneous ambient energy harvesting
Y Jin, HP Tan
2014 IFIP Networking Conference, 1-9, 2014
Mandates: A*Star, Singapore
Maximizing lifetime in clustered WSNs with energy harvesting relay: Profiling and modeling
P Zhang, HP Tan, G Xiao, Y Yu
2015 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor …, 2015
Mandates: A*Star, Singapore
Performance‐based IADL evaluation of older adults with cognitive impairment within a smart home: A feasibility study
I Rawtaer, K Abdul Jabbar, X Liu, TTH Ying, AT Giang, PLK Yap, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions 7 (1 …, 2021
Mandates: Ministry of Health, Singapore
Where am I? Characterizing and improving the localization performance of off-the-shelf mobile devices through cooperation
H Liang, HS Kim, HP Tan, WL Yeow
NOMS 2016-2016 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 375-382, 2016
Mandates: A*Star, Singapore
I've heard you have problems: Cellular signal monitoring through UE participatory sensing
H Liang, HS Kim, HP Tan, WL Yeow
2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2205-2211, 2014
Mandates: A*Star, Singapore
A passive testing approach for protocols in wireless sensor networks
X Che, S Maag, HX Tan, HP Tan, Z Zhou
Sensors 15 (11), 29250-29272, 2015
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Area coverage under low sensor density
MA Alsheikh, S Lin, HP Tan, D Niyato
2014 Eleventh Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication …, 2014
Mandates: A*Star, Singapore
Distributed algorithms for maximizing lifetime in clustered wireless sensor networks using energy-harvesting relay nodes
P Zhang, HP Tan, G Xiao
Mandates: A*Star, Singapore
Not you too? Distilling local contexts of poor cellular network performance through participatory sensing
H Liang, I Nevat, HS Kim, HP Tan, WL Yeow
NOMS 2016-2016 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 392-400, 2016
Mandates: A*Star, Singapore
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