Yan DU
Yan DU
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Indian Ocean capacitor effect on Indo–western Pacific climate during the summer following El Niño
SP Xie, K Hu, J Hafner, H Tokinaga, Y Du, G Huang, T Sampe
Journal of climate 22 (3), 730-747, 2009
Role of air–sea interaction in the long persistence of El Niño–induced north Indian Ocean warming
Y Du, SP Xie, G Huang, K Hu
Journal of Climate 22 (8), 2023-2038, 2009
Tropical Indian Ocean influence on northwest Pacific tropical cyclones in summer following strong El Niño
Y Du, L Yang, SP Xie
Journal of Climate 24 (1), 315-322, 2011
Decadal shift in El Niño influences on Indo–western Pacific and East Asian climate in the 1970s
SP Xie, Y Du, G Huang, XT Zheng, H Tokinaga, K Hu, Q Liu
Journal of Climate 23 (12), 3352-3368, 2010
South China Sea throughflow: A heat and freshwater conveyor
T Qu, Y Du, H Sasaki
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (23), 2006
Sea Surface Temperatureand Its Variability
T Qu, Y Du, J Strachan, G Meyers, J Slingo
Oceanography 18 (4), 50, 2005
Connecting the tropical Pacific with Indian Ocean through South China Sea
T Qu, Y Du, G Meyers, A Ishida, D Wang
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (24), 2005
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans
Y Du, T Qu
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 50, 233-256, 2010
Interannual variability of the South China Sea throughflow inferred from wind data and an ocean data assimilation product
D Wang, Q Liu, RX Huang, Y Du, T Qu
Geophysical research letters 33 (14), 2006
Indian Ocean dipole response to global warming in the CMIP5 multimodel ensemble
XT Zheng, SP Xie, Y Du, L Liu, G Huang, Q Liu
Journal of Climate 26 (16), 6067-6080, 2013
Intraseasonal variability of sea surface height in the Bay of Bengal
X Cheng, SP Xie, JP McCreary, Y Qi, Y Du
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118 (2), 816-830, 2013
A new type of the Indian Ocean Dipole since the mid-1970s
Y Du, W Cai, Y Wu
Journal of Climate, 2012
Upwelling in the continental shelf of northern South China Sea associated with 1997–1998 El Niño
Z Jing, Y Qi, Y Du
Journal of Geophysical Research 116 (C2), C02033, 2011
Seasonal heat budget in the mixed layer of the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean in a high‐resolution ocean general circulation model
Y Du, T Qu, G Meyers, Y Masumoto, H Sasaki
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 110 (C4), 2005
The 1997–1998 warm event in the South China Sea
D Wang, Q Xie, Y Du, W Wang, J Chen
Chinese Science Bulletin 47, 1221-1227, 2002
Three inflow pathways of the Indonesian throughflow as seen from the simple ocean data assimilation
Y Du, T Qu
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 50 (2), 233-256, 2010
Mean seasonal cycle of isothermal depth in the South China Sea
T Qu, Y Du, J Gan, D Wang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 112 (C2), 2007
Relationship between sea surface salinity and ocean circulation and climate change
Y Du, Y Zhang, J Shi
Science China Earth Sciences 62, 771-782, 2019
Satellite and Argo observed surface salinity variations in the tropical Indian Ocean and their association with the Indian Ocean dipole mode
Y Du, Y Zhang
Journal of Climate 28 (2), 695-713, 2015
Impact of Indian Ocean Dipole on the salinity budget in the equatorial Indian Ocean
Z Yuhong, D Yan, Z Shaojun, Y Yali, C Xuhua
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118 (10), 4911-4923, 2013
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