Nisarg Desai
Nisarg Desai
Postdoctoral Associate, Emory University
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Correlates of individual participation in boundary patrols by male chimpanzees
AP Massaro, IC Gilby, N Desai, A Weiss, JT Feldblum, AE Pusey, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 377 (1851), 20210151, 2022
Deceased-infant carrying in nonhuman anthropoids: Insights from systematic analysis and case studies of bonnet macaques (Macaca radiata) and lion-tailed macaques (Macaca silenus).
S Das, JJ Erinjery, N Desai, K Mohan, HN Kumara, M Singh
Journal of Comparative Psychology 133 (2), 156, 2019
Chimpanzee pant‐hoots encode individual information more reliably than group differences
NP Desai, P Fedurek, KE Slocombe, ML Wilson
American journal of primatology 84 (11), e23430, 2022
Division of labor in hand usage in free‐ranging bonnet macaques, Macaca radiata
M Mangalam, N Desai, M Singh
American Journal of Primatology 76 (6), 576-585, 2014
Differences in expression of male aggression between wild bonobos and chimpanzees
M Mouginot, ML Wilson, N Desai, M Surbeck
Current Biology 34 (8), 1780-1785. e4, 2024
Larger territories reduce mortality risk for chimpanzees, wolves, and agents: Multiple lines of evidence in a model validation framework
KN Crouse, NP Desai, KA Cassidy, EE Stahler, CL Lehman, ML Wilson
Ecological Modelling 471, 110063, 2022
Experimental assessment of plan‐view and profile‐view gross‐edge curvature on stone flake slicing efficiency
S Khaksar, N Desai, MI Eren, G Tostevin
Archaeometry 65 (1), 36-48, 2023
Division of Labor in Hand Usage Is Associated with Higher Hand Performance in Free-Ranging Bonnet Macaques, Macaca radiata
M Mangalam, N Desai, M Singh
PLoS One 10 (3), e0119337, 2015
Female monopolizability promotes within-community killing in chimpanzees
A Massaro, E Wroblewski, D Mjungu, E Boehm, N Desai, S Foerster, ...
OpenApePose, a database of annotated ape photographs for pose estimation
N Desai, P Bala, R Richardson, J Raper, J Zimmermann, B Hayden
Elife 12, RP86873, 2023
Supervised and unsupervised machine learning approaches to classifying chimpanzee vocalizations
NP Desai, C Lehman, B Munson, M Wilson
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143 (3_Supplement), 1786-1786, 2018
The influence of cut material on the slicing efficiency effects of stone tool flake size, edge length, and gross edge curvature
S Khaksar, N Desai, MI Eren, GB Tostevin
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 47, 103700, 2023
Proprioceptive afferents differentially contribute to effortful perception of object heaviness and length
M Mangalam, N Desai, DG Kelty-Stephen
Experimental Brain Research 239 (4), 1085-1098, 2021
Division of labour: a democratic approach towards understanding manual asymmetries in non-human primates
M Mangalam, N Desai, M Singh
Current Science, 1630-1638, 2016
Self-organization of laterally asymmetrical movements as a consequence of space–time optimization
M Mangalam, N Desai, M Singh
Journal of Theoretical Biology 390, 50-60, 2016
Do right-handed monkeys use the right cheek pouch before the left?
M Mangalam, N Desai, M Singh
PLoS One 9 (5), e97971, 2014
Exploring the form and functions of chimpanzee pant-hoots from basic evolutionary principles
NP Desai
University of Minnesota, 2022
Proprioceptive afferents differentially contribute to effortful perception of object heaviness and mass distribution
M Mangalam, N Desai, T Singh
bioRxiv, 2020.07. 18.210401, 2020
Do chimpanzees of Gombe National Park, Tanzania have community-specific dialects?
NP Desai, ML Wilson
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 171, 70-70, 2020
Monopolizability of Mating Opportunities Promotes Within-Community Killing in Chimpanzees
AP Massaro, EE Wroblewski, DC Mjungu, E Boehm, JT Feldblum, ...
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Articles 1–20