Foreign language teachers and intercultural competence: An international investigation L Sercu, E Bandura Multilingual Matters, 2005 | 833 | 2005 |
Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters: Context, Concepts and Theories. M Byram, MD Barrett, J Ipgrave, R Jackson, MC Mendez-Garcia Language Policy Division, Council of Europe Publishing, 2009 | 265 | 2009 |
Integrating language‐and‐culture teaching: an investigation of Spanish teachers' perceptions of the objectives of foreign language education P Castro*, L Sercu, MC Méndez García intercultural education 15 (1), 91-104, 2004 | 219 | 2004 |
International and intercultural issues in English teaching textbooks: The case of Spain MCM García* Intercultural Education 16 (1), 57-68, 2005 | 170 | 2005 |
Investigating the coexistence of the mother tongue and the foreign language through teacher collaboration in CLIL contexts: perceptions and practice of the teachers involved in … MC Méndez García, V Pavón Vázquez International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 15 (5), 573-592, 2012 | 162 | 2012 |
Culture teaching in foreign language education: EFL teachers in Spain as cultural mediators L Sercu, MCM García, PC Prieto Porta Linguarum: revista internacional de didáctica de las lenguas …, 2004 | 97 | 2004 |
The Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters through Visual Media: exploring images of others in telecollaboration R Lindner, MC Méndez Garcia Language, Culture and Curriculum 27 (3), 226-243, 2014 | 95 | 2014 |
Culture learning from a constructivist perspective. An investigation of Spanish foreign language teachers’ views L Sercu, M del Carmen Méndez García, PC Prieto Language and Education 19 (6), 483-495, 2005 | 92 | 2005 |
Language and power: raising awareness of the role of language in multicultural teams MC Méndez García, ML Pérez Cañado Language and intercultural communication 5 (1), 86-104, 2005 | 65 | 2005 |
The intercultural dynamics of multicultural working M Guilherme, E Glaser, MCM García Multilingual Matters, 2010 | 59 | 2010 |
The potential of CLIL for intercultural development: a case study of Andalusian bilingual schools MC Mendez Garcia Language and Intercultural Communication 12 (3), 196-213, 2012 | 56 | 2012 |
Communicative language teaching M Byram, MCM García Handbook of foreign language communication and learning 6, 491-516, 2009 | 48 | 2009 |
Intercultural competence for professional mobility E Glaser, M Guilherme, MCM García, T Mughan Graz: ECML. Recuperado de: http://archive. ecml. at/mtp2/publications …, 2007 | 46 | 2007 |
The intercultural turn brought about by the implementation of CLIL programmes in Spanish monolingual areas: a case study of Andalusian primary and secondary schools MC Méndez García The Language Learning Journal 41 (3), 268-283, 2013 | 44 | 2013 |
Intercultural reflection through the Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters: students’ accounts of their images of alterity MC Méndez García Language and Intercultural Communication 17 (2), 90-117, 2017 | 40 | 2017 |
Analysing teachers’ roles regarding cross-curricular coordination in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) V Pavón Vázquez, MCM García Journal of English Studies 15, 235-260, 2017 | 32 | 2017 |
ICOPROMO–Intercultural competence for professional mobility E Glaser, M Guilherme, M del Carmen Méndez García, T Mughan Council of Europe: European Centre for Modern Languages, 2007 | 29 | 2007 |
Intercultural communication in the global workplace: the case of multicultural teams in Spain ML Pérez Cañado, MC Méndez García Universitat Jaume I. Departament d’Estudis Anglesos i Departament de …, 2007 | 24* | 2007 |
Implementing the Oral English Task in the Spanish University Admission Examination: an International Perspective of the Language1 La implementación de la prueba de inglés oral … M Amengual-Pizarro, MCM García Revista de Educación 357, 105-127, 2012 | 23 | 2012 |
Autobiographie de rencontres interculturelles M Byram, M Barrett, J Ipgrave, R Jackson, MC Méndez García Strasbourg: Conseil de l’Europe.[En ligne], consulté le 25 (02), 2021, 2009 | 23 | 2009 |