Iftikhar Ahmad Niaz
Cited by
Cited by
Frequency-and power-dependent photoresponse of a perovskite photodetector down to the single-photon level
Z Xu, Y Yu, S Arya, IA Niaz, Y Chen, Y Lei, MAR Miah, J Zhou, AC Zhang, ...
Nano Letters 20 (3), 2144-2151, 2020
Cycling excitation process: An ultra efficient and quiet signal amplification mechanism in semiconductor
YH Liu, L Yan, AC Zhang, D Hall, IA Niaz, Y Zhou, LJ Sham, YH Lo
Applied Physics Letters 107 (5), 2015
An amorphous silicon photodiode with 2 THz gain‐bandwidth product based on cycling excitation process
L Yan, Y Yu, AC Zhang, D Hall, IA Niaz, MA Raihan Miah, YH Liu, YH Lo
Applied Physics Letters 111 (10), 2017
Room-temperature long-wave infrared detector with thin double layers of amorphous germanium and amorphous silicon
J Zhou, MA Raihan Miah, Y Yu, AC Zhang, Z Zeng, S Damle, IA Niaz, ...
Optics Express 27 (25), 37056-37064, 2019
Transient Induced Molecular Electronic Spectroscopy (TIMES) for study of protein-ligand interactions
T Zhang, TH Ku, Y Han, R Subramanian, IA Niaz, H Luo, D Chang, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 35570, 2016
Modeling gain mechanisms in amorphous silicon due to efficient carrier multiplication and trap-induced junction modulation
IA Niaz, MAR Miah, L Yan, Y Yu, ZY He, Y Zhang, AC Zhang, J Zhou, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 37 (19), 5056-5066, 2019
Cycling excitation process for light detection and signal amplification in semiconductors
YH Liu, A Zhang, MAR Miah, D Hall, IA Niaz, L Yan, Y Yu, MS Kavrik, ...
Optical Sensing, Imaging, and Photon Counting: Nanostructured Devices and …, 2016
Defect assisted carrier multiplication in amorphous silicon
MAR Miah, IA Niaz, YH Lo
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 56 (3), 1-11, 2020
ECS Transactions
R Chowdhurya, M Kabirb, R Manleyc, K Hirschman
ECS Transactions 92, 135, 2019
A high-efficiency low-noise signal amplification mechanism for photodetectors
MAR Miah, IA Niaz, YH Liu, D Hall, YH Lo
Silicon Photonics XII 10108, 155-162, 2017
Discovery of ionic impact ionization (I3) in perovskites triggered by a single photon
Z Xu, Y Yu, IA Niaz, Y Chen, S Arya, Y Lei, MAR Miah, J Zhou, AC Zhang, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.02475, 2019
InxGa1−xSb MOSFET: Performance analysis by self consistent CV characterization and direct tunneling gate leakage current
MH Alam, IA Niaz, I Ahmed, Z Al Azim, N Chowdhury, QDM Khosru
2012 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, 1-6, 2012
Performance analysis of InAs/AlSb MOS-HEMT by self-consistent capacitance-voltage characterization and direct tunneling gate leakage current
I Ahmed, S Chowdhury, MH Alam, IA Niaz, QDM Khosru
ECS Transactions 72 (2), 189, 2016
Modeling and Characterization of Efficient Carrier Multiplication in Highly Co-doped Semiconductors and Disordered Materials
IA Niaz
University of California, San Diego, 2019
Low Noise, High Gain-Bandwidth Photodetectors Using Cycling Exciting Process (CEP) as Amplification Mechanism
L Yan, Y Yu, Z Xu, I Niaz, MAR Miah, AC Zhang, J Zhou, Y Lo
2018 IEEE International Conference on Electron Devices and Solid State …, 2018
An ultra-efficient internal mechanism to amplify photoresponse for Si and compound semiconductor devices
YH Liu, L Yan, A Zhang, D Hall, IA Niaz, MS Kavrik, YH Lo
2016 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (SUM), 17-18, 2016
A Physically Based Analytical Model to Predict Quantized Eigen Energies and Wave Functions Incorporating Penetration Effect
N Chowdhury, I Ahmed, Z Al Azim, MH Alam, IA Niaz, QDM Khosru
ECS Transactions 58 (16), 9, 2014
Physical/process parameter dependence of gate capacitance and ballistic performance of InAsySb1−yQuantum Well Field Effect Transistors
IA Niaz, MH Alam, I Ahmed, Z Al Azim, N Chowdhury, QDM Khosru
2013 IEEE 5th International Nanoelectronics Conference (INEC), 389-392, 2013
Self consistent simulation of CV characterization and ballistic performance of double gate SOI flexible-FET incorporating QM effects
Z Al Azim, N Chowdhury, IA Niaz, MH Alam, I Ahmed, DM Quazi
2012 IEEE International Conference on Electronics Design, Systems and …, 2012
Self-consistent CV characterization of depletion mode buried channel InGaAs/InAs Quantum Well FET incorporating strain effects
I Ahmed, IA Niaz, MH Alam, N Chowdhury, Z Al Azim, QDM Khosru
2012 IEEE International Conference on Electronics Design, Systems and …, 2012
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Articles 1–20