Maziyah Mat Noh
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Cited by
Depth and pitch control of USM underwater glider: performance comparison PID vs. LQR
MM Noh, MR Arshad, RM Mokhtar
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2011
Review of sliding mode control application in autonomous underwater vehicles
M Mat-Noh, R Mohd-Mokhtar, MR Arshad, ZM Zain, Q Khan
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2019
Simulator of water tank level control system using PID-controller
MM Noh, MS Najib, NS Abdullah
3rd IASME/WSEAS Int. Conference on Water Resources, Hydraulics and Hydrology …, 2008
Design and development of an X4-ROV
ZM Zain, MM Noh, KA Ab Rahim, N Harun
2016 IEEE International Conference on Underwater System Technology: Theory …, 2016
Nonlinear control of autonomous underwater glider based on super-twisting sliding mode control (STSMC)
M Mat-Noh, MR Arshad, R Mohd-Mokhtar
2017 7th IEEE International Conference on System Engineering and Technology …, 2017
Modeling of USM underwater glider (USMUG)
MM Noh, MR Arshad, RM Mokhtar
International Conference on Electrical, Control and Computer Engineering …, 2011
Back-stepping integral sliding mode control (BISMC) application in a nonlinear autonomous underwater glider
M Mat-Noh, MR Arshad, R Mohd-Mokhtar, Q Khan
2017 IEEE 7th International Conference on Underwater System Technology …, 2017
PSO approach for a PID back-stepping control method in stabilizing an underactuated X4-AUV
N Harun, ZM Zain, MM Noh
2017 IEEE 7th International Conference on Underwater System Technology …, 2017
The Evaluation of Controller Tracking Performance based on Taylor'S Series
M Mat-Noh, MR Arshad, R Mohd-Mokhtar
Jurnal Teknologi 9, 175-181, 2015
Control of an autonomous underwater glider using integral super-twisting sliding mode control (ISTSMC)
M Mat-Noh, MR Arshad, R Mohd-Mokhtar, Q Khan
2017 IEEE 7th International Conference on Underwater System Technology …, 2017
Solar powered microcontroller module for real-time sewerage treatment plant monitoring system: Prototype development
ZM Zain, MAC Munaaim, M Mat-Noh
2017 7th IEEE International Conference on System Engineering and Technology …, 2017
Model identification and control analysis for underwater thruster system
R Mohd-Mokhtar, M Aziz, MR Arshad, AB Husaini, MM Noh
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2013
Control of 1 DoF USM underwater glider (USMUG)
M Mat-Noh, MR Arshad, R Mohd-Mokhtar
4th International Conference on Underwater System Technology: Theory and …, 2012
Image reconstruction for liquid-gas regime identification based on multiple excitation sources in electrical resistance tomography system
YA Wahab, MF Fuad, NMA Ghani, ZM Zain, MM Noh, MA Zawawi, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 705 (1), 012025, 2019
Proceedings of the 11th National Technical Seminar on Unmanned System Technology 2019: NUSYS'19
ZM Zain, H Ahmad, D Pebrianti, M Mustafa, NRH Abdullah, R Samad, ...
Springer Nature, 2020
Development of surface cleaning robot for shallow water
MQ Dahlan, H Abdul Kadir, K Isa, R Ambar, MR Arshad, M Mat Noh
Proceedings of the 10th National Technical Seminar on Underwater System …, 2019
Design and development of a remotely operated vehicle with new maneuvering method
ZM Zain, MM Noh, KAA Rahim, N Harun
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2017
Sliding mode control of an X4-AUV
ZM Zain, NNA Hanipah, MM Noh, N Harun, KAA Rahim, NM Zain
J. Eng. Appl. Sci. 10 (23), 17499-17505, 2015
Hybrid sliding mode control application in mathematical model of electronics throttle valve
M Mat-Noh, MS Bakar
AIP conference proceedings 2998 (1), 2024
An Implementation of Sliding Mode Voltage Control Controlled Buck-Boost Converter for Solar Application
NAM Mustakin, MS Bakar, MM Noh
Advances in Intelligent Manufacturing and Mechatronics: Selected Articles …, 2023
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