Saumya Dwivedi
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Target detection in joint frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar-communication system
S Dwivedi, AN Barreto, P Sen, G Fettweis
2019 16th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS …, 2019
Fast block LMS based estimation of angularly sparse channels for single-carrier wideband millimeter wave hybrid MIMO systems
S Srivastava, P Sharma, S Dwivedi, AK Jagannatham, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (1), 666-681, 2021
Secure joint communications and sensing using chirp modulation
S Dwivedi, M Zoli, AN Barreto, P Sen, G Fettweis
2020 2nd 6G Wireless Summit (6G SUMMIT), 1-5, 2020
Fast block LMS and RLS-based parameter estimation and two-dimensional imaging in monostatic MIMO RADAR systems with multiple mobile targets
S Dwivedi, P Aggarwal, AK Jagannatham
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 66 (7), 1775-1790, 2018
Sparse Bayesian Learning-Based Target Imaging and Parameter Estimation for Monostatic MIMO Radar Systems
A Mishra, V Gupta, S Dwivedi, AK Jagannatham, PK Varshney
IEEE Access, 2018
GLRT-based spectrum sensing for MIMO SC-FDMA cognitive radio systems in the presence of synchronization impairments
A Kumar, S Dwivedi, AK Jagannatham
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 5 (3), 280-283, 2016
An Ultra Low Power CMOS Sigma Delta ADC Modulator for System-On-Chip (SoC) Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MEMS) Sensors for Aerospace Applications
J Tirkey, S Dwivedi, SK Surshetty, TS Reddy, M Kumar, V Nath
International Journal of Microsystems and Iot, 26-34, 2023
SBL-based joint target imaging and Doppler frequency estimation in monostatic MIMO radar systems
V Gupta, A Mishra, S Dwivedi, AK Jagannatham
2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2016
BLMS and FBLMS-based adaptive time varying RCS estimation and 2D-Imaging for monostatic MIMO radar systems
A Rawat, S Dwivedi, AK Jagannatham
2017 Twenty-third National Conference on Communications (NCC), 1-6, 2017
Optimal bartlett detector based SPRT for spectrum sensing in multi-antenna cognitive radio systems
S Dwivedi, A Kota, AK Jagannatham
IEEE signal processing letters 22 (9), 1409-1413, 2015
Potential health benefits of kiwifruits: the king of fruits
S Dwivedi, AK Mishra, S Priya
Journal of Science and Technology 6, 126-131, 2020
GLRT based Bartlett detection for spectrum sensing in multi-antenna cognitive radio
S Dwivedi, A Kota, AK Jagannatham
2016 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM …, 2016
GLRT based spectrum sensing for MIMO SC-FDMA cognitive radio networks
A Kumar, S Dwivedi, AK Jagannatham
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 4 (6), 593-596, 2015
RLS-Based adaptive time-varying RCS estimation and imaging in MIMO radar systems
A Rawat, S Dwivedi, S Srivastava, AK Jagannatham
2020 National Conference on Communications (NCC), 1-6, 2020
Technical report: GLRT based spectrum sensing for MIMO SC-FDMA cognitive radio systems in the presence of synchronization impairments
A Kumar, S Dwivedi, AK Jaganntham
IIT Kanpur, Tech. Rep., 2016 [Online]. Available: http://www. iitk. ac. in …, 2016
GLRT based subspace detector for joint target detection and imaging in monostatic MIMO-OFDM radar systems
S Dwivedi, AK Jagannatham
2017 Twenty-third National Conference on Communications (NCC), 1-6, 2017
Subspace based multi-user spectrum sensing in frequency selective cognitive radio systems
M Rajput, S Dwivedi, A Patel, AK Jagannatham
2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 1154-1157, 2016
Correlation and path analysis studies on growth characters, yield components, quality characters and grain yield of scented rice.
DT Damini Thawait, SK Dwivedi, SK Samaptika Kar, AK Patel
Performance of rice under different parameters.
DT Damini Thawait, SK Dwivedi, AK Patel, SK Samaptika Kar
Technical Report: Fast Block LMS and RLS-based Parameter Estimation and 2D-Imaging in Monostatic MIMO RADAR Systems with Multiple Mobile Targets
S Dwivedi, P Aggarwal, AK Jagannatham
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Articles 1–20