Brandi Frisby
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Cited by
Instructor–student and student–student rapport in the classroom
BN Frisby, MM Martin
Communication Education 59 (2), 146-164, 2010
Online teaching and technological affordances: An experimental investigation into the impact of modality and clarity on perceived and actual learning
AM Limperos, MM Buckner, R Kaufmann, BN Frisby
Computers & Education 83, 1-9, 2015
The development and validation of the online learning climate scale (OLCS)
R Kaufmann, DD Sellnow, BN Frisby
Communication Education 65 (3), 307-321, 2016
Participation apprehensive students: The influence of face support and instructor–student rapport on classroom participation
BN Frisby, E Berger, M Burchett, E Herovic, MG Strawser
Communication Education 63 (2), 105-123, 2014
Face and resilience in divorce: The impact on emotions, stress, and post-divorce relationships
BN Frisby, M Booth-Butterfield, MR Dillow, MM Martin, KD Weber
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 29 (6), 715-735, 2012
Instructional messages during health-related crises: Essential content for self-protection
BN Frisby, SR Veil, TL Sellnow
Health communication 29 (4), 347-354, 2014
Students' out of the classroom communication with instructors and campus services: Exploring social integration and academic involvement
RJ Sidelinger, BN Frisby, J Heisler
Learning and Individual Differences 47, 167-171, 2016
Instructional dissent as an expression of students' academic orientations and beliefs about education
AK Goodboy, BN Frisby
Communication Studies 65 (1), 96-111, 2014
When instructors misbehave: An examination of student-to-student connectedness as a mediator in the college classroom
RJ Sidelinger, DM Bolen, BN Frisby, AL McMullen
Communication Education 60 (3), 340-361, 2011
The role of classroom relationships as sources of academic resilience and hope
BN Frisby, AM Hosek, AC Beck
Communication Quarterly 68 (3), 289-305, 2020
Students' instructional dissent and relationships with faculty members' burnout, commitment, satisfaction, and efficacy
BN Frisby, AK Goodboy, MM Buckner
Communication Education 64 (1), 65-82, 2015
Expanding the scope of instructional communication research: Looking beyond classroom contexts
DD Sellnow, A Limperos, BN Frisby, TL Sellnow, PR Spence, E Downs
Communication Studies 66 (4), 417-432, 2015
Instruction in crisis situations: Targeting learning preferences and self-efficacy
BN Frisby, DD Sellnow, DR Lane, SR Veil, TL Sellnow
Risk Management 15, 250-271, 2013
The relationship between college students' self-reports of class participation and perceived instructor impressions
SA Myers, SM Horan, CD Kennedy-Lightsey, PE Madlock, RJ Sidelinger, ...
Communication Research Reports 26 (2), 123-133, 2009
Understanding the role of instructor rapport in the college classroom
BN Frisby, AL Housley Gaffney
Communication Research Reports 32 (4), 340-346, 2015
Instructor compliance to student requests: An examination of student-to-student connectedness as power in the classroom
RJ Sidelinger, DM Bolen, BN Frisby, AL McMullen
Communication Education 61 (3), 290-308, 2012
Students’ perceptions of social presence: Rhetorical and relational goals across three mediated instructional designs
BN Frisby, AM Limperos, RA Record, E Downs, SE Kercsmar
Journal of Online Learning and Teaching 9 (4), 468-480, 2013
Rational actors: Channel selection and rational choices in romantic conflict episodes
BN Frisby, D Westerman
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 27 (7), 970-981, 2010
Topic avoidance, everyday talk, and stress in romantic military and non-military couples
BN Frisby, K Byrnes, DH Mansson, M Booth-Butterfield, MK Birmingham
Communication Studies 62 (3), 241-257, 2011
Technology acceptance model: Investigating students’ intentions toward adoption of immersive 360 videos for public speaking rehearsals
JI Vallade, R Kaufmann, BN Frisby, JC Martin
Communication Education 70 (2), 127-145, 2021
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Articles 1–20