Joost Rommers
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Cited by
Using the visual world paradigm to study language processing: A review and critical evaluation
F Huettig, J Rommers, AS Meyer
Acta psychologica 137 (2), 151-171, 2011
Context-dependent semantic processing in the human brain: Evidence from idiom comprehension
J Rommers, T Dijkstra, M Bastiaansen
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 25 (5), 762-776, 2013
The contents of predictions in sentence comprehension: Activation of the shape of objects before they are referred to
J Rommers, AS Meyer, P Praamstra, F Huettig
Neuropsychologia 51 (3), 437-447, 2013
Alpha and theta band dynamics related to sentential constraint and word expectancy
J Rommers, DS Dickson, JJS Norton, EW Wlotko, KD Federmeier
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 32 (5), 576-589, 2017
Beta oscillations reflect memory and motor aspects of spoken word production
V Piai, A Roelofs, J Rommers, E Maris
Human brain mapping 36 (7), 2767-2780, 2015
Verbal and nonverbal predictors of language-mediated anticipatory eye movements
J Rommers, AS Meyer, F Huettig
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 77, 720-730, 2015
Predictability’s aftermath: Downstream consequences of word predictability as revealed by repetition effects
J Rommers, KD Federmeier
Cortex 101, 16-30, 2018
Object shape and orientation do not routinely influence performance during language processing
J Rommers, AS Meyer, F Huettig
Psychological science 24 (11), 2218-2225, 2013
Downstream behavioral and electrophysiological consequences of word prediction on recognition memory
RJ Hubbard, J Rommers, CL Jacobs, KD Federmeier
Frontiers in human neuroscience 13, 291, 2019
Definitely saw it coming? The dual nature of the pre-nominal prediction effect
DS Fleur, M Flecken, J Rommers, MS Nieuwland
Cognition 204, 104335, 2020
Lingering expectations: A pseudo-repetition effect for words previously expected but not presented
J Rommers, KD Federmeier
NeuroImage 183, 263-272, 2018
Lesion evidence for a critical role of left posterior but not frontal areas in alpha–beta power decreases during context‐driven word production
V Piai, J Rommers, RT Knight
European Journal of Neuroscience 48 (7), 2622-2629, 2018
Withholding planned speech is reflected in synchronized beta-band oscillations
V Piai, A Roelofs, J Rommers, K Dahlslätt, E Maris
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9, 549, 2015
Word predictability blurs the lines between production and comprehension: Evidence from the production effect in memory
J Rommers, GS Dell, AS Benjamin
Cognition 198, 104206, 2020
The fate of the unexpected: Consequences of misprediction assessed using ERP repetition effects
MK Lai, J Rommers, KD Federmeier
Brain Research 1757, 147290, 2021
Anticipating predictability: an ERP investigation of expectation-managing discourse markers in dialogue comprehension
M Rasenberg, J Rommers, G Van Bergen
Language, cognition and neuroscience 35 (1), 1-16, 2020
Electrophysiological Methods
J Rommers, KD Federmeier
Research Methods in Psycholinguistics and the Neurobiology of Language: A …, 2017
How a question context aids word production: Evidence from the picture–word interference paradigm
Z Shao, J Rommers
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 73 (2), 165-173, 2020
Lateralized electrical brain activity reveals covert attention allocation during speaking
J Rommers, AS Meyer, P Praamstra
Neuropsychologia 95, 101-110, 2017
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Articles 1–19