Gopalkrishnan R. Iyer
Gopalkrishnan R. Iyer
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The relative strength of affective commitment in securing loyalty in service relationships
H Evanschitzky, GR Iyer, H Plassmann, J Niessing, H Meffert
Journal of business research 59 (12), 1207-1213, 2006
Internet retailing: enablers, limiters and market consequences
D Grewal, GR Iyer, M Levy
Journal of business research 57 (7), 703-713, 2004
Impulse buying: a meta-analytic review
GR Iyer, M Blut, SH Xiao, D Grewal
Journal of the academy of marketing science 48, 384-404, 2020
E-satisfaction: a re-examination
H Evanschitzky, GR Iyer, J Hesse, D Ahlert
Journal of retailing 80 (3), 239-247, 2004
Sustainability and business-to-business marketing: A framework and implications
A Sharma, GR Iyer, A Mehrotra, R Krishnan
Industrial marketing management 39 (2), 330-341, 2010
The Internet and the price–value–loyalty chain
D Grewal, GR Iyer, R Krishnan, A Sharma
Journal of Business Research 56 (5), 391-398, 2003
Resource-constrained product development: Implications for green marketing and green supply chains
A Sharma, GR Iyer
Industrial Marketing Management 41 (4), 599-608, 2012
The effects of buyer identification and purchase timing on consumers’ perceptions of trust, price fairness, and repurchase intentions
D Grewal, DM Hardesty, GR Iyer
Journal of interactive marketing 18 (4), 87-100, 2004
Innovation and new product introductions in emerging markets: Strategic recommendations for the Indian market
GR Iyer, PJ LaPlaca, A Sharma
Industrial Marketing Management 35 (3), 373-382, 2006
Ethnic entrepreneurial and marketing systems: Implications for the global economy
GR Iyer, JM Shapiro
Journal of international marketing 7 (4), 83-110, 1999
The impact of country-of-origin and country-of-manufacture cues on consumer perceptions of quality and value
GR Iyer, JK Kalita
Journal of Global Marketing 11 (1), 7-28, 1997
Consumer trial, continuous use, and economic benefits of a retail service innovation: The case of the personal shopping assistant
H Evanschitzky, GR Iyer, KG Pillai, P Kenning, R Schütte
Journal of product innovation management 32 (3), 459-475, 2015
The influence of internet‐retailing factors on price expectations
D Grewal, JL Munger, GR Iyer, M Levy
Psychology & Marketing 20 (6), 477-493, 2003
Consumer revenge using the internet and social media: An examination of the role of service failure types and cognitive appraisal processes
ZMI Obeidat, SH Xiao, GR Iyer, M Nicholson
Psychology & Marketing 34 (4), 496-515, 2017
E-services: a synthesis and research agenda
CF Hofacker, RE Goldsmith, E Bridges, E Swilley
Journal of Value Chain Management 1 (1/2), 13-44, 2007
Developing a deeper understanding of post-purchase perceived risk and behavioral intentions in a service setting
D Grewal, GR Iyer, J Gotlieb, M Levy
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 35, 250-258, 2007
Why integrating purchasing with marketing is both inevitable and beneficial
JN Sheth, A Sharma, GR Iyer
Industrial Marketing Management 38 (8), 865-871, 2009
Franchise partnership and international expansion: a conceptual framework and research propositions
D Grewal, GR Iyer, RRG Javalgi, L Radulovich
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 35 (3), 533-557, 2011
Business, consumers and sustainable living in an interconnected world: A multilateral ecocentric approach
GR Iyer
Journal of business ethics 20, 273-288, 1999
Consequences of perceived crowding: A meta-analytical perspective
M Blut, GR Iyer
Journal of Retailing 96 (3), 362-382, 2020
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