James W Halle
James W Halle
Professor of Special Education, University of Illinois
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Cited by
Enhancing socially adaptive communicative repairs of beginning communicators with disabilities
J Halle, NC Brady, E Drasgow
American journal of speech-language pathology 13 (1), 43-54, 2004
Using general-case instruction to teach spontaneous and generalized requests for assistance to learners with severe disabilities
J Chadsey-Rusch, E Drasgow, B Reinoehl, J Halle, L Collet-Klingenberg
Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps 18 (3), 177-187, 1993
The application of general-case instruction to the requesting repertoires of learners with severe disabilities
J Chadsey-Rusch, J Halle
Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps 17 (3), 121-132, 1992
Adopting the natural environment as the context of training
J Halle
Communication assessment and intervention for adults with mental retardation …, 1988
Vocsyl: Visualizing syllable production for children with ASD and speech delays
J Hailpern, K Karahalios, L DeThorne, J Halle
Proceedings of the 12th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers …, 2010
A protocol for assessing early communication of young children with autism and other developmental disabilities
J Halle, H Meadan
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 27 (1), 49-61, 2007
The effects of a teacher-training intervention on student interns' use of naturalistic language teaching strategies
B Phillips, J Halle
Teacher Education and Special Education 27 (2), 81-96, 2004
Applying contextual features of general case instruction and interactive routines to enhance communication skills
JW Halle, J Chadsey-Rusch, L Collet-Klingenberg
Strategies for teaching students with mild to severe mental retardation, 231-267, 1993
BEDA: Visual analytics for behavioral and physiological data
J Kim, M Snodgrass, M Pietrowicz, K Karahalios, J Halle
Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare. Washington DC, 23-27, 2013
Visualizations: speech, language & autistic spectrum disorder
J Hailpern, K Karahalios, J Halle, L DeThorne, MK Coletto
CHI'08 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 3591-3596, 2008
Systematic instruction of students with severe disabilities
E Drasgow, M Wolery, J Halle, Z Hajiaghamohseni
Handbook of special education, 518-533, 2011
Visualizing syllables: Real-time computerized feedback within a speech–language intervention
L DeThorne, M Aparicio Betancourt, K Karahalios, J Halle, E Bogue
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 45, 3756-3763, 2015
Families with children who have autism Spectrum disorders: stres and support
H Meaden, J Halle, A Ebata
Council for Exceptional Children 77, 7-36, 2010
Teaching mands to individuals with autism spectrum disorders
E Drasgow, J Sigafoos, JW Halle, CA Martin
Language and autism: Applied behavior analysis, evidence, and practice, 2009
W., & Collet–Klingenberg, L.(1993). Using general–case instruction to teach spontaneous and generalized requests for assistance to learners with severe disabilities
J Chadsey–Rusch, E Drasgow, B Reinoehl, J Halle
The Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps 18 (3), 177-187, 0
Creating a spoken impact
J Hailpern, K Karahalios, J Halle
Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Human factors in …, 2009
The use of single-subject research to identify evidence-based practice in special education (vol 71, pg 165, 2005)
RH Horner, EG Carr, J Halle, G Mcgee, S Odom, M Wolery
Exceptional Children 71 (4), 489-489, 2005
Joe Spradlin, my mentor and friend
J Halle
Journal of applied behavior analysis 53 (4), 1958-1959, 2020
A parent-implemented, naturalistic strategy produced increases in vocalizations and appropriate play in two children with autism
J Halle
Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention 2 (1), 20-22, 2008
A combined package of responsivity education/prelinguistic milieu teaching (RE/PMT) increased intentional communication acts in 2–3-year-old children with developmental …
J Halle
Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention 1 (2), 72-73, 2007
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Articles 1–20