Matthew S. Fullmer
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Bioinformatic Genome Comparisons for Taxonomic and Phylogenetic Assignments Using Aeromonas as a Test Case
SM Colston, MS Fullmer, L Beka, B Lamy, JP Gogarten, J Graf
MBio 5 (6), 10.1128/mbio. 02136-14, 2014
Leisingera sp. JC1, a Bacterial Isolate from Hawaiian Bobtail Squid Eggs, Produces Indigoidine and Differentially Inhibits Vibrios
SM Gromek, AM Suria, MS Fullmer, JL Garcia, JP Gogarten, SV Nyholm, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 7, 1342, 2016
The pan-genome as a shared genomic resource: mutual cheating, cooperation and the black queen hypothesis
MS Fullmer, SM Soucy, JP Gogarten
Frontiers in microbiology 6, 728, 2015
Population and genomic analysis of the genus Halorubrum
MS Fullmer, SM Soucy, KS Swithers, AM Makkay, R Wheeler, A Ventosa, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 5, 140, 2014
Comparative genomics of Roseobacter clade bacteria isolated from the accessory nidamental gland of Euprymna scolopes
AJ Collins, MS Fullmer, JP Gogarten, SV Nyholm
Frontiers in Microbiology 6, 123, 2015
Improving phylogenies based on average nucleotide identity, incorporating saturation correction and nonparametric bootstrap support
S Gosselin, MS Fullmer, Y Feng, JP Gogarten
Systematic biology 71 (2), 396-409, 2022
The patchy distribution of restriction–modification system genes and the conservation of orphan methyltransferases in halobacteria
MS Fullmer, M Ouellette, AS Louyakis, RT Papke, JP Gogarten
Genes 10 (3), 233, 2019
Evidence from phylogenetic and genome fingerprinting analyses suggests rapidly changing variation in Halorubrum and Haloarcula populations
N Ram Mohan, MS Fullmer, AM Makkay, R Wheeler, A Ventosa, A Naor, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 5, 143, 2014
Low-level antimicrobials in the medicinal leech select for resistant pathogens that spread to patients
L Beka, MS Fullmer, SM Colston, MC Nelson, E Talagrand-Reboul, ...
MBio 9 (4), 10.1128/mbio. 01328-18, 2018
Inteins as indicators of gene flow in the halobacteria
SM Soucy, MS Fullmer, RT Papke, JP Gogarten
Frontiers in microbiology 5, 299, 2014
Systematic detection of large-scale multigene horizontal transfer in prokaryotes
L Kloub, S Gosselin, M Fullmer, J Graf, JP Gogarten, MS Bansal
Molecular biology and evolution 38 (6), 2639-2659, 2021
Tertiary-interaction characters enable fast, model-based structural phylogenetics beyond the twilight zone
C Puente-Lelievre, AJ Malik, J Douglas, D Ascher, M Baker, J Allison, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.12. 12.571181, 2023
Bioinformatic genome comparisons for taxonomic and phylogenetic assignments using Aeromonas as a test case. mBio. 2014; 5 (6): e02136
SM Colston, MS Fullmer, L Beka, B Lamy, JP Gogarten, J Graf
PubMed Abstract| Publisher Full Text| Free Full Text, 0
Horizontal gene transfer in halobacteria
MS Fullmer, JP Gogarten, RT Papke
Halophiles: Genetics and Genomics, 2014
The Constructive Black Queen hypothesis: new functions can evolve under conditions favouring gene loss
N Takeuchi, MS Fullmer, DJ Maddock, AM Poole
The ISME Journal 18 (1), wrae011, 2024
Expanding the utility of sequence comparisons using data from whole genomes
S Gosselin, MS Fullmer, Y Feng, JP Gogarten
bioRxiv, 2020.01. 15.908137, 2020
Interaction range of common goods shapes Black Queen dynamics beyond the cheater-cooperator narrative
MS Fullmer, B van Dijk, N Takeuchi
bioRxiv, 2024.07. 16.603646, 2024
Phylogeny, Taxonomy, and the Concept of Lineage in the Presence of Horizontal Gene Transfer
MS Fullmer
University of Connecticut, 2018
frontiers in ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE MICROBIOLOGY published: 26 June 2014
SM Soucy, MS Fullmer, RT Papke, JP Gogarten, JL Meyer, E Rd
The Proceedings from Halophiles 2013, the International Congress on …, 2015
Supplementary Information: The Constructive Black Queen hypothesis: new functions can evolve under conditions favouring gene loss.
N Takeuchi, MS Fullmer, DJ Maddock, AM Poole
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Articles 1–20